It’s all about the attitude. Sometimes I feel these are the players who have crappy day jobs, who have crappy managers in real life and the game is the only way for them to feel superior over others in a pay-it-backwards kind of way.
Im guessing you were trying to make a joke, but a lot of people on the forum use that guilds name as some negitive dooms day material when it was the exact opposite.
Some of the nicest players I’ve met where from that guild. My brother and I used to post in their forums. A couple of them came over and helped explain/teach us a few things I still use today (stutter step casting, for example).
The name came from an inside joke a few of the core members braught over from the game they all played before.
Let me educate you on why they named themselves that. Because it was a joke based off of some silly drama concerning their original guild. Not because they were actually elitist jerks. In fact, they started the entire concept of theorycrafting and opened up their website to others to help them out.
trying to lay down facts on GD “hurrrrrrrrrr elitists” types is futile.
True. I get yelled at for giving factual information around here.
I’ve been called an elitist many times for:
- calling people out on not knowing mechanics, in heroic or higher difficulty
- expecting people to know interrupts/cc/mechancs in M+ in 8’s or higher.
I’ve just learned to bail much sooner to save myself the headache… ya’ll can point fingers by yourselves. I will not even bother to explain mechs anymore, go watch a 3 minute video ffs.
You know what I did before I knew mechanics? I started in low keys, normal mode, etc, watched videos so I wouldn’t be a burden to my group. But no, that is FAR too much to expect from people. People don’t even flask or pot in high pugs… its hilariously clown fiesta.
So basically in my eyes, an elitist is someone who knows what they’re doing, and the people pointing fingers are the bads that absolutely refuse to take accountability or get good.
I mean “Someone who bashes others because they believe they’re superior to them in everyway and gatekeep because they feel like it” does sound pretty close.
Heavy take, but I would be lying if I say I never do this.
I wonder how many times I have to tell people that is not an elitist. That’s just a jerk.
To some, those are interchangeable.
i have a blanket from Belchy i feel very safe in it
You answered your own question in your Edit 1 already, imo
That’s just a jerk. Not an elitist.
I’ll throw my definition in.
An elitist hates people getting better gear or making the game easier in any capacity.
These same people then claim ideas against their worldview are terrible.
There is those special moments where people offer to trade gear for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING because RNG is a *****.
Though often at the end of dungeon runs.
Those aren’t elitists then.
Those are saints. A rarity needed in this day and age.
I was talking about how I was flamed in a thread by some of the people here in this thread.
I got good news for you. Those aren’t elitists either.
What was the point of this post OP? So you can vaguely shoot everyone else down while you also offer nothing in return? Because that’s all I’m seeing so far.
Excuse me? They are.
Akston? Yep. Ana? Yep. Snoz? Yep.
I’ve had this word make its way to me… I don’t like it. I’m not an elitist.
An elitist is somebody that can’t lose, that will blame others for their faults or struggles and will assume everybody should know everything they do or they are not good or will never be as good as them. They would exclude others they don’t believe are up to par with them and speak down to them for it.
Some people associate the word with other things. But that is what I think an elitist is.
They don’t have to be a good player to be an elitist.