I need a SOLID, 100%, ANSWER: [CLOSED]

Have WE, as the WoW GD community, EVER, literally EVER, established on what is an “elitist” is?

EDIT I: So far the most types of responses I’m getting is, “someone who bashes others because they believe they’re superior to them in every way and they gatekeep because they feel like it.”


nope its just pointing fingers on who is elitist


People who are better than me are elitist. People worse than me are casuals.


That is waaaaaaaaay to vague of an answer.

Great. Now I sound like one.

On a singular agreed upon 100% definition? No.


A entitled jerk that thinks there better then everyone else when they are not. They call people names and make fun of people that casually play the game for fun. They think they deserve legendary items mailed to them on a daily basis free of charge.


That is not an elitist. In my book that is a selfish ape who is full of themselves.

Or a bully.


To me. Elitists are just people that play to win rather than fun. Like a Min / Max player in DnD.

Victory only. No actual “hey I wanna play with that guy for fun” energy.

It’s that person who is always ahead of you.

So my version of “fun” is invalid then, and means nothing to you.

An elitist is someone who shuns less-skilled players.




Gold colored dracthyr

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Not a casual.

There cant be a solid definition, because its very important for people to speak negatively about others.

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We have. And sorry to say you aren’t part of the group that we can discuss this with.

Feels bad.

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Those heroically geared players that sneer their way through LFRs.

Someone who believes he’s a noble in modern times.

Nobles believed they were superior to the common people because they wore wigs, dressed in expensive clothing, and ate with cutlery. But, like the peasants, they were just walking water bags. A wig won’t change that. And a high rating wont change that either.


I’d agree. The players who think they are superior to the plebs. Gaming snobs.

Great players are not necessarily elitist. They’re often not at all I’ve noticed. Usually calm, patient, don’t mind explaining, understand where the other is regarding capability and competence.

Elitists aren’t necessarily great players. I’ve always thought that’s rather amusing.