Or maybe you just chose a really dumb analogy.
Definitely touched an elitist nerve there lol.
I’m a battle-pet elitist.
I’m basically Gary Oak.
I’m gonna be, the very best, that no one ever was~
- Single Responsibility principle: A function does one thing only and does it well
- Open-Close principle: An object is open for extention but closed for modification
- Liskov Substution Principle: A reference to a class is valid for all derived classes
- Interface Segregation Principle: A client should not depend on interfaces it doesn’t use
- Dependency Inversion principle: A concrete class should depend on an abstract class, not vice versa
There’s your 100% answer for SOLID OOP.
Look, you made an assumption, the guy didn’t like it. Being annoyed is something everybody does, not exclusive to elitists.
This very response proves that.
An elitist, in general, is someone who (rightly or wrongly) perceives themselves as a World First /Top 10 level player, and then feels justified in demanding that in, say, holiday dungeons.
In general these folks are few and far between.
What I suspect you’re asking about is people with a more intense/focused playstyle, who would prefer to play with others who share that style, which is absolutely fair and reasonable.
That is what guild recruitment is all about, and those guilds are not going to be spamming randoms in general chat. If you are looking for that, the good news is you should be able to find/apply pretty easily.
What you can’t do, at least not successfully, is demand that level from the game’s base random matchmaker. That tool is by design for less serious gamers.
Elitist (noun): Any player who has achieved more than I have using whatever arbitrary metric I am engaged with at the time.
Casual (noun): Any player who has achieved less than I have using whatever arbitrary metric I am engaged with at the time.
I have 36k achievement points.
Then what would you classify an elitist that would wrongly perceive themself? I’m sure that if they displayed such behavior (I know I’m throwing assumptions), they would be kicked out of that specific group.
Elitist is literally something someone says when someone is either playing better than them, has more than them or a certain attitude and the one calling them this just wants to tear down what they are doing.
That’s all it is. It’s like calling someone a noob. It’s merely a name calling.
A rather derogatory term for a player that, though is seen as a good player and has high-end gear that has several Achievements and raid experience, believes that those below them are “noobs” that do not know how to play the game the proper way, though it’s only their definition of what the “proper way” is.
A good player would offer healthy criticism and direction and not regard them as “noobs”, rather “gamers”.
… and WoWwiki states this? C’mon.
There is nothing subjective about someone who believes themselves better than everyone else. Someone with PMA would never say, “Just suck it up and smile, obviously it works for me, so it ‘should’ work for someone like you”. Positive people are not elitist. Often annoying, but hardly elitist.
No idea, as I dont do anything remotely close to that. Conceptually, an “elitist” (vs an actual elite) is someone who perceives themselves as possessing a very high level of skill/knowledge/expertise, AND demands that same perceived level of others.
Sometimes they do indeed have the skill, other times not, but the key to being an “elitist” (completely independent from being a good or skillful player) is trying to insist upon it in others, usually in forums (such as LFG) that by definition cannot and will not possess it.
Wow, have a couple of fig newtons and chill the f out
What? XD
Why couldn’t they be? There is no excuse to NOT put forward a “go-to” attitude for your fellow gamers. Some might regard it as a blessing.
Having respect is not hard at all.
A label we like to use as a tool to create disparity. Just like almost all the other labels.
An elitist is someone who believes those who do not participate in the same activities and at the same level as the elitist do not deserve the rewards or recognition the elitist believes that are due them alone. The idea that activities the elitist feels are lesser could give the same rewards is anathema.
It doesn’t matter that the others work just as hard to get there in terms of hours and effort; it just isn’t the same thing as the elitist does and therefore is simply not as challenging.
The elitist isn’t necessarily a jerk, but holds up their activities as a standard of what is superior and thus garnering the best rewards and recognition. It’s nothing personal, they are just doing what they believe is the hardest stuff at the highest levels and if the rest of us “git gud” then we too may be welcomed into their ranks.