I need a SOLID, 100%, ANSWER: [CLOSED]

I’m a proud gamer to say that it is a mainstream thing.

Movies are often boring and have little interaction. Video games provide so much more.

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I can’t even remember the last time I went to the cinemas to see a movie.

I think it was Black Panther? Lol that was a while ago.

Yeah. Hollywood is dead.


Let’s try this definition: Elite players are very good at the game. Elitist players are very good at the game and try to gate keep players they feel aren’t worthy from reaching their level. That’s probably not a good definition but it’s the best I can come up with.

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I miss the atmosphere in game of the early days. Just people chilling and having fun together, even if it was not optimal or efficient. It was simply considered a challenge in those cases, and you’d figure out as a group how to make it work. I loved that :slight_smile:


lol of course not, just like we have no definition of ‘casual’ :slight_smile:

When everything started to end up on streaming six months after release I stopped spending the money to go to the theater. My 55" 4k tv is all I need to enjoy a movie. And I can make as much noise as I want.

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Okay Elitist :roll_eyes:

:smirk: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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I’ve had someone within my guild mentioning that they would gatekeep. But honestly, every WoW gamer would (or should) know gatekeeping is a huge menace that NOBODY deserves.

My definition of elite: Someone who is really good at the game, has an outgoing positive attitude, willing to teach those to obtain higher end content.

In fact, that would probably not fit the category of “Elitist”. Its more like a “Unicorn”.

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Not really, for me I define it as someone who constantly feels the need to explain why their “better” than you are. Personally I just let my abilities speak for themselves, and I also know my own limits when it comes to the game. I know for a fact that I cannot PvP to save my life I don’t like it either so that plays a major factor as to why I suck at PvP.

Yet I have to say PvP tends to have the most “elitist” players that feel the need to emote or chat spam you.

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But this will not stop the assembled nerd-dom from their traditional activity of furiously beating a vaguely discolored patch of ground where legends say that once, long, long ago, there lay a dead horse.

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We don’t speak of the before time lest we summon the great shadow of Clydesdale.



“Elitist” is like “casual” and “hardcore”. It’s all subjective and because of that, it makes the various conversations about “those people” kind of funny.

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It’s an easy test to find one.

Ask someone “would you be mad if they put mythic his items in the in game shop for people to buy?”

An elitist will mald. A non elitist won’t care.

Somebody that’s better than me that I don’t like. :dracthyr_uwu:

See, there are some folks (like me) that have no business being in a very high key. I don’t even ask LOL

If the guild offers ok cool otherwise if they say no I get it. It also goes on the flipside too to where if someone is trying to learn how to do something my over geared character will mow down the place, not allowing them to learn.

I just pick people if I pug off funny names and if people are being meanies I kick and reform.

I’m the same way. I don’t go to high end keys because once I pop with KSM, I won. There is no longer a motive to push forward unless someone wants me to join.

At that point its just gamers gaming.

Just Google it, if you really want to know.
Although, as I understand it, it has a lot to do with attitude, specifically, players that have a strong narcissistic streak.

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I want to be just as good as Emberpaws…she’s 1337.

I’m not elitist and that would make me mad because then the game would be pay to win.

So not a good analogy.

…maybe you are an elitist but you just can’t admit to it!