I need a SOLID, 100%, ANSWER: [CLOSED]

He’s going to be fishing for a long time.

See there’s the person that screams when 1 little tiny thing goes wrong… then there’s the person that got off work and is like “I just want to do the one m+ in the hour I got off work” and is in the group with the first person.

Then they are both collectively in a group with someone that has no business being in the difficulty key they are in (often times me) and yell at em.

Sometimes I’m person 2 that is just frustrated that we can’t kill something that is easily defeatable then sometimes I’m person 3.

I used to be person 1. I’ve learned / grown since then.


Says who?

I personally believe the real definition is someone that puts down others, because they see people who don’t do the same content they do, as ‘lesser’.

Skill doesn’t really have that much to do with it.

Someone who does Mythic 0s or Heroics can be an elitist to someone that only does normal dungeons.

It’s snobbery, plain and simple.

Good people that are skilled, but helpful, aren’t elitists.

It’s all in the attitude and how you carry yourself around others that take the game less seriously.


There’s no solid 100% answer because everyone’s definition is colored by their personalities and experiences. It’s why no one around here can define a casual with any kind of cohesiveness.


But like, what do you call these then? Just good nature gamers?

Imo casual impies they don’t take the game super-seriously, or just plays “lightly” in terms of hours.

No concrete definition, but I think a general idea can be made.

Me. (Lol jk) Just good folks I guess, there aren’t really terms like ‘elitist’ to describe good-natured folk.

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You are. :heart:

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And there are people who define casual as someone who doesn’t do high end content even if they spend 50 hours a week playing.


Elitist, casual-

It’s mostly about perspective.

I play a decent amount, but the activities I do can be considered casual. The play time however, probably not ahah.

Not always. Some casuals can be better then Elitists. Elitists just has a ego problem.



adjective: elitist

  • demonstrating a superior attitude or behavior associated with an elite.
    “some that say he is a spoiled, elitist snob”

By it’s very definition, if you call someone an elitist, and it does not mean THIS, then you are using it wrong and it is just another buzzword. In this game, an elitist would mock and bully you because you did not perform as well as them, or more specifically “in the same LEAGUE” as them. They act superior, spout numbers, rub their damage meter in your face, and have the propensity to turn very toxic telling you to uninstall your game, and your life.


According to some folks on these forums, an elitist refers to anyone who’s better than the person in question.

I wish we could drop the arbitrary titles and just go with gamers. Because gamers are people who play a game some are better at it some aren’t so good at it but in the end we all play the game for our own personal reasons.


Pretty much my definition.

It’s all in the attitude.

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Lol, gamer is kinda of a negative stereotype at the moment.

“Gamer words” are almost always an allusion to racial slurs, lmao

A “superior attitude” comes off subjective. Some would say that having PMA, “Positive Mental Attitude”, is a superior attitude rather than just frolicking in a doomsayer mentality.

Also, the answers provided on this forum very much and already goes against what the dictionary is stating.

EDIT: Thread.

Probably the people who admit they are, theres plenty

I really want to go back to the 80’s and 90’s where gamer meant you played games and might be a bit nerdy.


I certainly feel that.

When gaming became more mainstream, I think it also scooped up a lot more unsavory types.

Such things come with popularity.

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