Its you. Me. The guy above this post. The guy scrolling through the post. The guy looking through the forums. The guy typing in the address for the website. The guy looking for guides on youtube. The guy on reddit. The guy to the left. To the right. All of us.
We are all elite-ists. We all think we are at the good game or have some knowledge over one over the other.
Ironically it usually revolves around flawed strategy focusing on one point, so for example ideal comps and not being able to trouble shoot alternatives.
Usually the elitist players aren’t performing >99% percentile and at that point they’re just peacocking what they know. Like a shaman commenting on how people aren’t interrupting but responding with how they aren’t purging shuts them up. Or if someone complains about not getting PI but then saying the pull was messed up and its more beneficial for the healer or tank to have it. A lot of fake elitism follows cookie cutter strategy and the moment stuff hits the fan they flop, the more adaptive players realize that “the right is known” works when everything goes right, but there is still a need to adapt.
I think that whole chaotic good, lawful good chart thing is a good representation of any blanket term to define a persons social actions, elitism can be shown in multiple different ways but it creates the most friction when used as “lawful evil” and due to misinformation/inability to explain further instead manifests as “chaotic neutral”.
Instead if you look at elitism among top tier players its just lawful good no matter how targetive the critiques are, because everyone in the circle is open to that sort of debate.