An elitist is
someone who refuses to accept a differing idea/opinion/plan from someone lower on the hierarchy rung.
No not you, you are definitely one of the little people.
An elitist is
someone who refuses to accept a differing idea/opinion/plan from someone lower on the hierarchy rung.
No not you, you are definitely one of the little people.
Nobles believed they were superior to the common people because they wore wigs, dressed in expensive clothing, and ate with cutlery. But, like the peasants, they were just walking water bags. A wig won’t change that. And a high rating wont change that either.
This more sounds like a complaint targeting transmoggers
It’s all vague hand waving and pantomime to distract from a serious lack of pie.
Fun is subjective so yes.
On a singular agreed upon 100% definition? No.
I think it’s safe to say that GD will never agree on anything.
A wig won’t change that.
Of course not; it’s the powder in the wigs that makes one a fancy water bag.
I think it’s safe to say that GD will never agree on anything.
Nuh uh!!!
Yes, there was an entire guild and forums called, “Elitist Jerks,” one of those jerks now works for Blizzard.
Nuh uh!!!
I…. See what you did there
i mean…is it really necessary to differ from the actual definition of elitist and elitism?
Yes, there was an entire guild and forums called, “Elitist Jerks,” one of those jerks now works for Blizzard.
One of these days you’re going to have to let that go and stop complaining about it.
A guild name has zero bearing on you.
So, if fun is subjective, why bash on an “elitist” that wants to claim victory? It doesn’t put you in any better position.
What complaint, that was pure information.
Yes, there was an entire guild and forums called, “Elitist Jerks,” one of those jerks now works for Blizzard.
Its an obvious troll bait tactic, from the sounds of it.
Because I am more than allowed to say “Hey I don’t vibe with that” and go play with someone else.
Same as you. I was not aware this thread was really just you being hurt by being called an elitist. That’s something you gotta take care of. Not us.
Check the internet wayback machine.
I was not aware this thread was really just you being hurt by being called an elitist
Most of the answers on this tread are completely mixed and chaotic. The ONLY conclusion I can come to so far is this:
On a singular agreed upon 100% definition? No.
I’m more than willing to hear more opinions because this is an open public forum. To my dismay, again, its all mixed.
Also, I was never called an elitist.
Also, I was never called an elitist.
And yet you seem bothered.
Elitists are just people that play to win rather than fun.
That’s just people who find different things fun than you.