I must speak my peace about Plunderstorm

Because it’s a manipulative tactic. Blizzard officially stated that they don’t add long coats to the transmogs (those from BfA NPCs and Kul Tiran) because how much they clip.

And out of nowhere they do it, gatekeeping behind a FOMO-event?


I’d be willing to bet a number of them probably complained about being “forced” to do torghast.

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The phrase is actually, “speak my piece”.

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In multiple lobbies I witnessed multiple people saying how much they hated it and were counting down how much renown they had left until they never had to play Plunderstorm again. If you think this is some minority just on the forums, you’re sorely mistaken.


Yes, this happens here in Europe as well.
“Only 22 levels left -,-” and so on


That is subjective, but the key is how you talk about it (if you talk about it). I hate arenas, I’ve done arenas this season for Elite sets because to me the monk and priest Elite sets are worth the suffering. I’m still debating trying for the gladiator mount even though I don’t think I’ll be able to. But I also am not asking for the requirements to be changed or removed, even though I resent that the gladiator mount can only be gotten in 3s since I prefer 2s.

That’s the spirit! :smiley:


why do you guys feel like you’re forced to do anything in this game lol my only suggestion is a pve mode for others and expand it going foward. stop doing things u don’t like it isn’t that hard

Because the regular rewards are poor quality, otherwise people wouldn’t play these modes.

This is a very appropriate post given by a rogue. I like it.

I don’t agree with it but I really like it. You are a true rogue. Good job!

What’s the word Im looking for???

Why are you in the different game

Eerie to me how similar these threads are to the fit my 2-year old throws when he doesn’t feel like going to bed.

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Nobody is “”“”“”““forced””“”“”“” to do anything, how about we stop using that word. It’s a boring, slog of a grind for something players can enjoys for years on their account.


You’re not respecting your 2 year olds time with forced bed time and they will not play into your forged metrics of engagement!

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Don’t worry they’ll probably add all the cosmetics later for some kind of currency or watching a witch content creator or switch whatever that web is called

Only in wow do paying customers voicing their dislike for a product gets compared to tantrums.


You can frame it as “paying customers voicing their dislike” but it sure does come across as moaning and crying. :man_shrugging:


“I don’t think this mode of the game is very good and I won’t be engaging in it.” That’s voicing your displeasure.

“I don’t want to do this, but if you don’t hand me the rewards for it I’m going to be super mad at you” (which is exactly what the OP says) is a grown person having a child’s tantrum.


So nothing about the scumminess of Blizzard putting wow rewards in a different game that you have to grind 40 renown levels?


Would it be “scummy” of them had they put the queue for Plunderstorm in the PvP menu tab of retail and classic?