I must speak my peace about Plunderstorm

Whoa there big fella, nobody likes math around these parts.

Oh but here’s an easy equation I don’t think Blizzard solved for.



plunderstorm is a huge direspect for the playerbase, its look like a joke, its horrendous, but why are you playing it? i know, i collect cosmetics and mounts too…but you know, i have some dignity, iam not going to feed such a disrespect and clown fiesta, I REFUSE. i advise yall do the same, so may blizzeard change a bit, but no, yall are playing…so you guys got what u deserves…simple


I could solve that in c++ which is 99.9% likely what Warcraft is built in. Illuminati confirmed my bear.

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Why should they give everyone the rewards cause people are frustrated? That doesn’t make sense to me.

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I’d guess about half the people playing Plunderstorm aren’t playing for fun.

If Blizzard wanted, they could make a mode that literally involved running around picking up loot for 40 hours and people would “play” it. In fact, that’s what a lot of them are doing.

Blizzard, knows this. That’s why they put cosmetics in Plunderstorm. They will make Skinner Box after Skinner Box to milk their players, and the players will cry and throw tantrums the whole time, but they’ll do it.


PVP + PVE is a mode called PVPVE this exists.

My point being that adding PvE does nothing to the sum total. It’s like multiplying by 0. If PvP is possible, then it’s all that is relevant in content being agreeable to those who don’t like it.


Is literally the worst argument you can ever make about any topic.

“If you don’t like it, don’t do it!”

Your debate skills are below subpar.


Not if you don’t like PvP. Then it’s all the same flavor of AVOID.


Your brain is subpar if you think anything more is needed than that. wow is a game, plunderstorm is a game mode, you either. A play it or B dont play it. If you want to try it try it. If you don’t want to try it, don’t try it. If there’s something in it, you want, then you decide if you either A want to try it or B don’t.

Some things shouldn’t need anything more than A. do it, or B Don’t

Genders might not be Binary any more, but this issue is.


If pixels mean so much to you that you do something you hate then you need help. I dislike PvP , I don’t do it in wow even though there are some cool rewards that I really would like. I am playing plunder storm for one reason only , it’s fun . If it wasn’t then no matter how much I want the rewards it offers I would not do it.


I know how you feel. I feel the same when I want to eat pasta, but I find myself eating bologna and banana sandwiches. It also leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Why do these things happen to me?


While on the subject of doing things we dislike for rewards, this is a common thing on WoW and mmos in general. I probably tired of soloing gastropods for my toy by hour four, but kept going to 16 and got it.

Super Simian Sphere? Same but more hours.

Plunderstorm has generated complaint because it’s a PvP game mode which many find exceptionally disagreeable, and being baited in with FOMO and an unPTRed secret patch

Why? Go play Classic or play Season 4 which is coming along soon or level a new alt in a different race or class or do PvP or do professions.

There’s tons of other stuff to do.


The point of it being is its like a cross promotion item etc. Its all cosmetic if its that terrible dont play it. I like it so i do my buddy doesnt no biggie. Also wth are people doing like 500 runs a day like guys chill no wonder you hate it.

It does suck to farm PS, but you can find the ‘farm zone’ and partially zone out farming the plunder. Put a movie on the other screen or listen to an audio book and remember to not let yourself get frustrated or emotionally attached to any match in particular.

So why do people feel so afraid to not get all the rewards anyway?

Is it the FOMO stuff?

Why aren’t these people gladiators, keystone heroes, etc as well?

All those rewards go away as well, just sayin


I did the grind to 40 and this was the biggest flaw of Plunderstorm for me.

It took me away from my favorite game in order to get rewards in my favorite game. I didn’t like that.

On one hand I think Plunderstorm having its own rewards would be better, but I think Blizzard knows it would have had a fraction of the traffic if the rewards weren’t tied into wow itself.

Overall it’s a game I don’t like and I won’t be playing it ever again


I didn’t care much for it, but silly as it sounds, I wanted the tricorn Pepe. I don’t play the game viciously as I’m an adult now, but I got the Pepe and went back to playing WoW.

I didn’t hate it, but I played it to get what I wanted, and was done. Don’t ever play something you hate, that’s just not healthy, objectively.