I must speak my peace about Plunderstorm

Players doing content they don’t like for rewards has been a key part of WoW for decades.


If it worked like it currently does, yes. It’s not wow. It’s not a wow game mode, it’s a different game.

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I understand, but to steel man their position I’d say, “There shouldn’t be rewards in the game that can’t be earned in the game.” But that’s just my opinion. I think it’s pretty trashy to tie in-game cosmetics to a separate game mode. Just feels kind of crappy for something people pay $15 a month for (and bought the expansions.) It’s not a “bonus.” It’s a tease.


ok then don’t do it. you are all making a moutain over a limited time event that they acutally put a bit of thought into. the only shame is it isn’t perm.

go do something else lmao

My issue is being given the find items or spells one versus pick up loot or kill x amount of bad guys.

I’d rather in the lobby wharf area there be blue repeating quests. Choose your PvE grind. Cause otherwise I’ll land somewhere and not be able to complete them because I chose my location poorly.


Kill 5 players
Loot 2 gold chests
Jump 47 times
Hide behind a tree or whatever for 1 minute
Loot 5 vultures
Kill 9 ogres
Steal x loot from players
Use 10 different spells

On and on

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

not boring to me, prolly you. hopefully they take the time to build from it and bring it again

I want the rewards but not enough to subject myself to a Battle Royale. I never got the Heroes of the Storm cross-promotion mount either for basically the same reason.


I disagree, it seems similar to Ashran or some of the rotational PvP games we have. I think it’s fine to dislike it but I feel like it isn’t necessary to sensationalize that dislike. :man_shrugging:

All of those games use your main wow character. Plunderstorm doesn’t. It’s its own game.


I disagree. It’s a WoW game mode I launch from the WoW character select screen. But it’s fine for you to disagree. Whatever is gonna help you cope.

While I did also hated the fact I had to play a different game for the WoW rewards, I dont feel the rewards should be GIVEN AWAY just like that.

Playing plunderstorm is not obligatory either.

So if you want any of the rewards just play it, plain and simple.

That doesn’t use any current wow abilities or characters.


Uhh. I already said it’s fine to disagree. I know that you’re saying that kind of stuff to convince yourself, because you sure aren’t convincing me. :grimacing:

You’ll be alright.

I think it was a blunderstorm for Blizz to tie such a large WoW renown grind to a completely different game that is plunderstorm.

I think a lot of people would have been fine with it if it didn’t take like 20 hrs to grind for the renown.

Hopefully next time they bring it back, they’ll disconnect it from WoW completely so if someone enjoys playing it, they can but also WoW players who like collecting mogs and stuff don’t feel obligated to play a completely different game genre they don’t like for it.

Just do what they did for HS or D4 where simply logging on or playing for 1 round or something is enough to get a pet or mount or something.


I like to collect mounts, pets and mogs. I tried plunderstorm and decided it is not for me.

I wish you all luck!


Then play WoW?

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This sounds like a mental issue

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Too late.

I do find it funny how 90% of the conversation in the lobby is people talking about how much they hate it and just want to do the quest and die.

Another thing that’s funny is watching the combat log - “Died to storm” over and over because people are running into the storm to finish the match.



If anything, Pluderstorm has shown us how many immature, addicted to the game players are there.
For all those people:
If you are dissatisfied with the mode, there are only two ways for you to communicate that to Blizzard:

  • cancel your sub
  • don’t play Plunderstorm

If your desire for few more pixels in your collection is stronger than your principals, then you are considered a satisfied customer that wants more events like this. At least as far as Blizzard in concerned. Countless posts complaining on the form don’t mean much when your game activity tells a different story.