I must speak my peace about Plunderstorm

You have already proven you will engage with their content regardless of whether or not you like it. Why would they listen to you?


You have a right to complain, but plunderstorm doesn’t need a pve path just because some players dislike pvp. You simply shouldn’t engage with a system you dislike, and if some pixels in a video game have so much pull over you, then it stops becoming a blizzard issue and just an issue with all of you.


I mean sure, you can also complain the sun rises if you want

Both doesn’t really matter

What is it then? Feel free to explain

Well said.

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Hard to do what when you are told it’s content for everyone and don’t find out it’s a murderbox until after the fact.

Then you can either unsubscribe and play another game you weren’t expecting to, or just rip the bandaid off since you’re already committed and be done with it

The way this was introduced is the real issue, not even do much the mode. It’s content for pvp players and should have been messaged that way.


Do it in the appropriate forum.

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We were told its a surprise, we were literally told nothing about the patch. You expected it would be something you would enjoy and now don’t enjoy it because it has some pvp in it.

Sigh… It’s content for PLAYERS. It’s a game mode with pve mechanics and pvp I’m not even a pvper i mythic raid and only mythic raid at times, and I was able to find the fun in it either solo, or with hanging out in my group and us playing it together.

What you need to realize is just because it’s content you don’t do, doesn’t mean it’s not content. We’d be sitting here having this same chat if they said “coming to wow x date pvpve mode PLunderstorm!!” you would have been on the forums that day complaining why do pvpers get content this patch and WE the real players don’t get content.


personally i don’t hate it but i do have a list of things that i really hate about it:

  1. toxic pvpers, like seriously i really hate that the moment we land some jerk decides to attack you and not let you complete the captain’s order.
    (and that is why i keep saying that we should have at least a 5 mins start of no pvp and just complete as many captain’s orders as we can and he should reward players with 150 rep for each order completed during that time. after those 5minutes it should be a battle royal free for all. at least the non pvpers can leave without having to partake on the pvp or maybe do take on pvp because the rewards would be much bigger.)

  2. The captain doesn’t give to many orders (once you finish your order that is it the second order is pretty much hunt down the Piece of hate and then kill as many players as you can and quite frankly it was really irritating to gain rep doing that so i really wish the captain had more orders)

  3. Only 1 stage (seriously why just 1 stage?? Azeroth is huge so why 1 stage?? our characters are Pirates for crying out loud let us go loot everywhere even in mayor cities, let’s go wild! we needed more stages!)

pretty much just these 3 in general honestly, everything else for a new game mode seems pretty fine to me.

if we get more Plunder Storm i think it would be best to have more options and more rewards.


Oh the irony of those saying if you don’t enjoy it, then don’t do it. Probably the same ones that cry anytime they feel forced to anything outside raiding or mythic+. Next time Blizz adds a system that allows open world players to gear, Delves, take your own damn advice.


Yeah, it would be cool to drop into like, a bigger version of alteric valley or winters grasp. Fingers crossed it gets added into the game and expanded upon!

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We were told little, but enough to believe it was intended for most of the community and at worst it wouldn’t appeal to us.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever envision content offer half the player base actively avoids was what they were making.

Cause that’s kind of the point you don’t do a surprise anymore and just tell people what’s coming.


Speak your “piece”, is the saying lol.

You are giving your opinion/two-cents, hence your ‘piece’ or part.

People confuse it with “holding your peace”, which is the opposite, to do nothing, maintaining the peace lol.


Well Plunderstorm isn’t raiding or M+ and im enjoying the hell out of it (mythic raider here) This doesn’t make sense. No one forced me to play it, i tried it, it grew on me, and now im 40 and still playing it 0.0

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“Over half the player base” is a bit strong. Some people on the forums dislike it, and some twitter folks dislike it. These are two microcosms of the community, and not in fact half the playerbase. If all you did was sit on the forums all day you would assume blizzard caught fire and wow was ending this year lol. I’m just saying this community could do without all the theatrics and everything being a world ending event. Its just a event play it or not thats cool.


I’ll take “Entitled Brats” for 600, Alex.

If you want the rewards given to you, just wait X months until they (or their recolors) show up on the Trading Post.


Then play World of Warcraft.

Then don’t play Plunderstorm.

Too late for that, many MANY years too late.

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Speak about it on the proper forum.


Ok but half of that basically happened already.

Let’s refute this argument though. We have the sub numbers now which confirm forum sentiment on expansion quality correlated very well to the overall sentiment.

Because while a small minority post here, it’s enough of a sample to draw solid conclusions.

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…Then play WoW? :man_shrugging:

I lie awake in bed every night, wondering how the devs of WoW could do this to me, they offered a mode or activity that isn’t to my preferences. /s

(Well, not mine, i actually quite like it)

… I hate to break it to you, but… there’s 8 billion people on this earth. And some of you guys saying that, still play the game anyways.

Also, earning plunder is pretty easy. It’s the grind that’s long and tiring.

This is factually not true in the slightest. In its current state, we saw the numbers skyrocket from SL to about what we have now, around 7mill and rising. Nowhere near half or a quarter, even 10% of that number post on these forums daily weekly or even monthly. Yes we all know we hated SL that’s a given but being right about that isnt the same as every single other issue or debate the games had.

You can’t say oh well we all stood united on this, so every other time it will always be like that.

But I want to reiterate this i 100% respect your opinion on disliking the game mode, you are entitled to that. I just disagree with all this forced nonsense.