I misunderstand or social contract is too vague

Trauma reminders? LOL You do realize that there is a Code of Conduct that you were supposed to read before posting on this forum, right? Since you post here, you are agreeing to that Code of Conduct. Just in case you missed it, here it is.

But if you want to make the “social contract” out as something that will destroy your sanity, then by all means, please don’t agree to it, and just play a game that doesn’t require you to play nice. I think, by now, you know that’s all this is, but it’s more fun to make a big deal out of it.

your not going to get banned for not talking in chat, its mostly for the people that love to troll new players by giving dumb or intentionally incorrect answers or just flat out insulting them in chat, Azeroth should feel welcoming to all players so if people cant say something nice to someone they shouldnt say anything and just let someone else who actually wants to help do so.

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Yup you got me. My ratio good to bad posts are in question .
Yours is 100%…
Mine is most likely at .5% … See we are equally wrong.

There is a “Newcomer Chat”, but you get automatically booted out of it, as soon as you get one character, on the entire account, to level 50. Which I don’t really like. Just because I’m level 50 doesn’t make me an “experienced” player, at all.

I understand it’s to help control trolls from trolling the new members. And, the only way to get back into it (as a level 50+), you gotta unlock certain achievements and be labeled a “Guide”, to help them.

With this new Contract in place, I wish the Newcomer Chat can still be accessible, even if you’re Level 50+ and not a Guide, if you still have questions, and the Guides can help answer them.

well hypothetically the game should be welcoming as a general rule but i do agree i think high level characters should have the option to opt back in the helper chat channel.

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I understand.

I just figured the “Newcomer Chat” is a great public chat channel to ask for help LOL

Wow, your math is great!

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See your improving, thanks.

If it is not a “contract”, then why is it called a “contract”?..

Words have meanings. Don’t encourage ignorance Blizzard.

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You… had to go to the emergency room bc you’re sensitive? Dear God.

Not true, if you did not agree to do those things you cannot play the game. So helping out people and making friends is what you have agreed to do (unless you hit exit game). So if I see you out in the world, I expect you to do your best to be my friend! Oh and if you don’t wave, I will be slighted.

Literally does not say that.

If you are really hurting yourself, it’s clear you’re not doing your best.

I turned Trade and General off years ago. I doubt I’ll have any problems because I have them off. Don’t be an internet troll and you’ll be fine.

ToS and EULAs aren’t titled “contracts” but are still “contracts”. Again, you’re hung up on the word “contract”.

The social contract is intentionally vague. I am so tired of people misrepresenting it and inventing the worst possible case scenario in their mind.

Look, for what it’s worth, it basically amounts to “please try not to be rude.”

If that’s asking too much, this game isn’t for you. Sorry to say, but there you have it.


Then don’t f-ing play dude, simple as that lmao. Get off here then and touch some grass

No you wouldn’t, you’d have glossed over it to his ‘accept’ to play the game like everyone else does the tos or eula comes up. Don’t make stuff up, Kyle, you humancenipad.

And there you have it fokes the Author of the new contract.
See how that works…
I feel so much better knowing that a billion dollar company would … Be able to be vague in the wording of something so , so necessary.
/end RP posting.

Thanks for the input.

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Different people have different ideas of what “being nice” is. I learned that if I follow the golden rule, people usually get very angry with me.

Or accuse me of having malicious intents I do not have.
I want to get along with everyone, but not everyone wants to get along with me.

I am so very different. Not malicious, not bad, not cruel, just very different.

What maybe very easy for most people, maybe impossible for me.

I am pleased with the people who have helped me recover from this upset. Glad I’ve been helped and given clarity on what was not clear to me in this “Social Contract”. There are many people in this thread I appreciate, thank you.