I misunderstand or social contract is too vague

You should learn to read properly. My point was and still is to get off a video game forum and get help, find a professional. Which is exactly what i said to do. Same goes for you, keep your emotions in check, if you can not…seek professional help. God forbid some person takes your mental health advice and uses video game forums to vent their struggles while not using the proper resources at their disposal online. They need professional care, not little Timmy (you) from WoW trying to chime in. Try to virtue signal less, thanks. Going over your replies now, the amount of nonsense you spew on here is endless.

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OP You’re current health concerns me. You should probably give WoW a few months break. Focus on health. The game will still be here when you get back. :slight_smile:

This whole forum is littered with insanely incorrect even sometimes harmful information from Hepburn. Check out the dude’s posts/replies. It’s pure insanity.

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You are absolutely right. It was my father and mother’s story known only second hand to me. I ended up having to work at the store outside of school because money was tight.

I’d imagine there was a time limit with it. However, the time limit was unreasonable to my family. My dad was working two jobs and my mother was teaching with four kids. He saw the employer at the flooring store taking a significant cut of the profits. He knew he could do better.

So when he opened his own flooring store. He gave equal shares to the employees based upon work effort and results, to include himself. Well naturally other employees left the previous employer to work for my father. The previous employer was now losing employees and profits. So he sued.

So not knowing all the details myself, it appeared a matter of time and money. My family didn’t have the time and money to fight it further in court. So they took the judgment and paid off the previous employer. We cut coupons and had 1qt of milk a week for a family of six. My father and mother created a very successful business and eventually ran out the previous employer.

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Lol. I wish I could!

I wonder if I could go back and find the old court record… it happened so long ago. I think I was like nine :rofl:

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I have cited my sources and referenced other information where needed. There was nothing ‘insane’ about it.

‘Harmful information’ to the credibility of the other opinions expressed… absolutely :grin:

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This is victim blaming in a country without free healthcare. Please don’t say things like that. It’s highly insensitive and condescending.


Glad to hear that everything turned out well in the end! Thanks for sharing your story :heart:

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In America if you work even at even a low paying job full time, at most places you are offered exception health insurance after 60 to 90 work days . You can even get mental health care for free in most cities without insurance in the US through different programs they offer. Also free healthcare with 320 some million people (not including roughly another 40 million of illegal aliens) is not sustainable. So unfortunately for you but not surprising…you have no idea what you are saying. Read more.

Insanely incorrect. No reliable sources were cited, no accurate information was posted. I am afraid you appear to suffer from raging narcissism my friend. Or maybe explaining your emotional feelings is just not your forte. Probably both.

No disrespect intended but this isn’t difficult. You do not have to be social or do any of the things in the top of the social contract. However, if you do choose to engage with others you have to be polite and respectful or risk being reported.

It could be, but I’ve met people with anxiety disorders who were actually that delicate. Anything remotely stressful would throw them into atrial fibrillation.

That’s why I choose not to engage with others - so I don’t have to do anything. :slight_smile:

Clearly, you haven’t worked in many low-wage positions. If you had, you would know that employers refuse to schedule more than 35 hours a week for the vast majority of their hourly employees, because they only have to provide insurance for people working 36 hours a week or more.

So, no, most minimum wage earners in the US do not have any form of health insurance.


At a temporary difficult point I had I experienced this for several months. A mere Facebook comment would literally send the room into a spin and I couldn’t see, I’d go blurry, heart rate would go up to 150 and flutter and palpitate like a butterfly. Too much action from a film? Same thing, it felt like a heart attack coming on. I couldn’t even play WoW at the launch of BfA because of it. Just the screen and stimulation. It is very real

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And that’s totally fine. My husband plays the game solo (except when we play together) and chooses to keep to himself the entire time. Not bc he would have to be nice but bc that’s what he prefers. Nothing wrong with that.

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I do role-play, because Shreds can’t get in trouble for the stuff he says. It’s all aggressively in-character. But when I speak OOC in WoW, I tend to just broadcast statements and not read responses. Reading responses makes me engage, and engaging makes me rude. lol

I can relate. It’s why I walked away from my long standing retail job and went to work with animals.

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I was thinking this very thing. Would we get banned for asking.


This started to occur after obamacare was passed through the senate; employers stopped giving people 35 hours because they couldn’t afford to pay for everyone’s insurance. When I was younger, the minimum wage job I had gave me health benefits; probably the only thing decent about the job, in hind sight. Hard work. Really awful experience.