I misunderstand or social contract is too vague

You aren’t being ‘blocked’ from the game, you’re being dramatic. Good luck on that refund.


You’re aware that the entire legal system is based around the interpretation of words in legal documents, right? So now, we need a judge for this social contract and it looks like said judge is just some underpaid GM. lol

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Why not? The fact that you’re here is proof that you’ve already accepted the exact same terms as part of the EULA. Or are you another of those players that is perfectly okay with the terms of the social contract and are just hung up on the title?

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i am aware of the legalese being legal and complex, and why I have to hire people to comprehend documents I cannot comprehend. I actually have lawyers I have to have help to discuss things with them. I dont wanna sign something I wont be obeying, so clarity was needed for me to feel I could accept the entire document.

Other thoughtsI have:
Gm Vrak has been often good at explaining things in ways I can understand, for years. Talented GM imo. I’m surprised a GM hasnt locked this thread, I guess ppl still have thoughts.

I’m trying to cope with all the hate I recieved in here, repedative unsubstantiated accusations, feels to me just more people hating people who are different, like myself. Revealing to me how much hate of me is not my doings. I thought to come see if there were any new comments since Neurodivergent is trending on Twitter.

Parts of the Social contract were not in the EULA… this “suggestions” section didnt exist in the EULA, and I did not see the wording that declared what parts were legal obligations or suggestions until the linked post to Vrak’s clarifying.

I read the whole TOS and EULA. I’m weird like that too. I cant remember the whole document, but if the suggesting behaviors would be in the older EULA, I would have certainly noticed, and objected, because those suggestions is not how I roll.

I parallel play, infodump, I’m not like most of the rest of the world. How ppl imagine I’m evil or something, is still a mystery to me, and I find their opinions creepily objectionable. I dont keep up with the rat race, I’m feeling like a Tortollian in the race with all the Vulpes.

I’m chaotic good, and I loathe bullying and adrenaline hurts me so I avoid stuff people often crave. We’re all different people, being different doesnt automatically assign cruelty, yet here this thread was showing me some examples of that snap misjudgement, so I dont often float around the forums like I used to, too much pain from words people thrust around.

My life has been a rough road, and WoW is part of my life that helps me feel a comfort and distraction from a real world bloating with horror and hate for differences like myself. I shall continue to play how I play, after understanding the contract better thanks to Vrak. I refuse to seek harm to others, and I have to stand firm with myself when most people are quick to mislabel me.
I know me, and that’s what matters. I like to solo my WoW adventures, taking my time like a slow Tortoise. I have a good time, I hope you all do too.

And I dont think I’m overthinking anything. I’m willing to take more time to make sure I dont break any laws. Not my bad if some of you lack patience. I find it weird people wont be willing to read my text, but we are all different now anyways, and I want to find a way to love everyone, but I dont have to be your best friend.

Please be you. Let me be me. Thanks and until next time, do your best, but dont hurt yourself in the process.

Nope. you’re misjudging me too, like a lot of people have done to me in this thread… There’s a reason why I avoid coming here to these forums, just more of the same misjudgements. Go home they say, just give up, they say, dont seek therpay here, they say, oh my gosh what is wrong with you, they say…

People tend to hate how I communicate. Funny little things these accusations of motives I dont have, repetitive too. Where’s your patience to read text as text, and not assign tones or police my attitude? Strange Things. People continue to confuse me. I want to understand why people accuse me of so many rambunctious super frivolous unsubstantiated misjudgments… But I may never understand the majority neuraltype, my brain hurts.

I repeat, my confusion has been clarified by a post by Vrak, there are two sections to the contract, suggestions, and requirements. I can comply to the requirements, I will not be comfortable with the suggestions, I’m glad I do not have to force myself to talk to people in WoW. Talking here is hard enough with about half the people trying to tell me how wrong I am, in one way or another.

I’m sad they fail to see the truth. Oh well, some people are just like that. Conform or bloody give up. There are other ways.

Be kind, do what feels right and good. And oh well, some people are just going to misjudge me and there’s nothing I can do about that, except know what is truth and carry on.

P.S. If reading this made your brain hurt, I genuinely apologize, I dont think we are made to get along, you are not legally required to read my posts. I will keep being me, and you keep being you. Just how we are, find your way please. And I will find mine. Thanks for being you.


OP I don’t believe this poster was referring to you, but to the poster directly above them who claimed to have been “blocked” from the game.

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But, they’ve made similar “suggestions” through “Tips”, on their Loading Screens. They can be turned off, so if those who have truned them off may not remember that they’re there. I leave it on to laugh at. Not to mention how outdated some of it is.

The important wording part is here:

We recognize that the Internet is not always a safe haven. With that in mind, please note that the following behaviors are not accepted in Azeroth:

  • Hate speech, including negative comments that target another player’s identity, including aspects like race, gender, or ability

  • Harassment, threats, or abusive / derogatory language and behaviors

  • Spamming, advertising, or other disruptive behaviors

  • If you harm your fellow adventurers with any of the above behaviors, you are subject to punishment up to and including suspension of your account.

Several people make jokes about how this only applies to Azeroth and not Draenor, SL, Outlands, etc. Jokes aside, it literally says what you can be reported for which has always been the same.

As one who has been actioned, in the past, I’ve never been sued by Blizz for breaking their contract. Usually, it’s the other way around. Customers are suing Blizz even their own employees suing against the company. Blizz is satisfied with stealing your money while actioning you.

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I get that, but you have to understand that a “social contract” has zero legal value.

Signing a contract doesn’t allow any party in said contract to break laws. Nor does signing a contract allows anyone to ask you to waive your rights.

A contract is under the law, never above it. People sign contracts all the time that have zero legal standing in court.

Interesting. My father signed a contract when he started employment at a flooring store. The contract stipulated that he couldn’t open his own flooring store if he left the company.

Well, he left the company and started his own flooring store. He was then sued for a breach of contract. The court found in favor of the previous employer. He had to pay a ~$10,000 fine for a breach of contract.

Seems like that contract gave the previous employer standing in a court of law.


Point being, there is a practical side to this. Contracts can infringe on the rights of people, regardless of the law.

If a contract infringes on your rights, but you don’t have the time, resources, or ability to fight it, that doesn’t necessarily mean it still isn’t in violation of a law.

So who cares if the law is above the contract, if the contract makes itself superior to the law and no one fights it.

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He said the people sign contracts all the time that have zero legal standing in court, not all contracts have zero legal standing in court. Obviously your anecdote is about a contract that was legally enforceable.

Don’t offend trans, gays, liberals or overweight people and you’ll be fine.

Do you even have an anecdote to provide?

You sure express a lot of theoretical opinions for what seems to be no practical experiences in life.

Do I need one in order to participate?

I’m amazed that you think you have the ability to infer the entire quantity of my life experience from just reading some forum posts.


Well you have only provided theoretical opinions so far, not having a basis in sound facts. Which has brought into question your credibility multiple times.

First of all, that isn’t true, I’ve presented a number of facts. Like when I told you the Social Contract was written by Rousseau and not Hobbes, as just one example. I don’t provide citations for something like that though, because it is easily verifiable, although I would be happy to present them on request. I’m not going to list everything, because I’ve already presented them once, but if you want to go back through and demand citation for any of them I’ll happily comply.

The only people who have questioned my credibility are people who have a different opinion, and who can’t accept that opinion being challenged. My credibility has never been challenged by people who understand how to actually converse in a discussion format, even those with whom I disagree.

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Yes it is, and no thanks to the rest of it. Again, not worth the time as has been demonstrated by yourself.

Good luck to you in life.

Right, “no thanks” to the part that directly refutes what you’re saying. Just like usual.

You were refuted many times. The no thanks is directly to you.

Wasn’t talking to you.

This, and the story of his father is very questionable.

I would need more detail about this story. A contract can’t prevent you from doing something for an indefinite period of time. Usually, such contracts have a time limit (ie: don’t open a flooring store for 6 months after employment ends). A typical example is a contract that would prevent you from working for a competitor when you quit, which was shown hundreds of times that it was unenforceable, because it would mean you would be out of a job if you were a specialized worker.

Your father’s case is different though.

I would question how that contract would have any legal standing, as the contract would technically end with your father’s employment. Unless the company had proof that your father started the process of opening his own flooring store while he was still employed, there shouldn’t be grounds for a fine. Having been employed by a company in the past shouldn’t infringe on your rights of starting a business; that would be the case your father should have shared with the judge/court/etc.

Details, details, details!!! Anecdotes are fine, I don’t see the problem with them, but you need to provide more details.