I misunderstand or social contract is too vague

Hey, I’m a Leftist, not a Democrat. Barack Obama is exactly the same guy as Donald Trump and George W. Bush to me. They’re all center-right/right-wing capitalists.

Truth, but i kinda gave up hope after covid on things getting better. I thought all it took was one pandemic and we would get better health care. After that I’m done caring about what happens here.

Again…disturbingly incorrect information. This is not accurate information and i implore you to cite references from non bias fact proven sources. Don’t just spew nonsense bud. Unfortunately one too many on here will believe your nonsense and your rhetoric is intentionally dangerous to be honest.

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Sheetz and Get Go RIGHT NOW will give you 40 hours a week and insurance after 90 work days. This isn’t made up. This is a fact. Go out and get a job.

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The usage of the word insane, gives me significant pause to take you seriously.

I’d imagine the peer-reviewed, very credible cadre of Doctors and professors at ThoughtCo wouldn’t seem credible to you. They provide harmful information to opinions so ingrained that the only plausible response is name calling.

“Ragging narcissism” :laughing:

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Putting aside other previous conversations, I am all for common ground where it can be found.

Getting people back to work, and good jobs at that, is hard to argue with.


Good article on Fortune, just a bit old is all but most the information is still relevant:
Why Companies Are Hiring More Part-Time Professionals

If you want to really nerd out, go to the: U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS

I have to warn you, government sites aren’t easy to navigate. Also, quite often there is a lot open to interpretation and statistics tend to be a snap shot in time.

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I’m guessing “reading” is where most of your life experience comes from in general.
Whose land are you on? Not everyone lives somewhere with the same field of job opportunities. Moving to the city for work isn’t a reasonable expectation for everyone, and it’s also a culturally insensitive expectation if you’re familiar with the history of residential and industrial schools.

I don’t get how you people can be so confused over something we’ve already had for what, 15+ years?

Do you get confused over every “new” thing you have to read?

A condescending tone like this is actually technically against the new Social Contract, though it wasn’t against the original TOS.

So there are actually some “minor” differences that you may not be aware of, the importance of which will be revealed by how heavily they are enforced.

Oh no…

… Yes… how could someone be confused about something that is “new”, that is not “new”, having already been present for 15+ years… :no_mouth:

Hence the quotes. It’s not new, it was presented to us in a new format but it’s the same stuff we’ve had all along. That anyone is confused or even cares about it is just sad.

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So it’s not “new”… but it’s “new”… but it’s not “new”… :no_mouth:


Be obtuse all you want, doesn’t change the fact

… that it’s “new”… :no_mouth:

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