I misunderstand or social contract is too vague

Very true! That gun fired by itself!


Looks like you might have to unsubscribe. You have to think of your health. If you dont have your health you dont have anything.

No, don’t have to unsubscribe… They just need to remove the prompt or the reference to a “social contract”.

Not sure why RE-accepting the ToS would be a problem…

Or people see what happened on Twitter and various other online platforms and see the writing on the wall

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Yes! And most of us don’t have the Elon Musk money to make them change the favoritism.

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But what if they invite a group of people to stand by and watch them die?

But… can you determine what your best is?

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What if they don’t help kill the elite that is guarding the treasure but instead grabs the treasure leaving you to kill the elite alone? Not that anyone would ever do something like that.

Guess we will find out I suppose

As long as not talking doesn’t break the contract I get the feeling I’ll be alright.

Because every time I open my big stupid mouth in game, even when I’m trying my best to be mild, fair, thoughtful and balanced in opinion, I get trolled at least once. At. Least. Once. I got called “uneducated” for not having the “correct” opinion (purely according to the troll) for instance.

Yeah . . . better to just not speak up. That’s what my therapist and wife have told me and they are wise. Honestly I shouldn’t even spend too much time at this but wife is watching Stranger Things, I haven’t seen more than the first episode so this season 3-4 whichever is newest makes little to no sense to me, so here I am.

Not to go too far off topic but it feels exactly how missing an entire season of X-files felt, constant callbacks to things I have no knowledge of make shows pretentious and unwatchable until I catch up.

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My best changes every day! :slight_smile:

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Interesting, all right time to pull the whole zone and report everyone with a /who when I die. I mean when I pull 400 mobs these other players are obviously anti social and breaking the contract not helping out.


The people doing the most to curb toxicity in the WoW community are those who refuse to accept the social contract.

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This is idea of social contract is just garbage, its subjective and stupid. For how long has world of warcraft aggravated conflict, war mod on war mode off, pvp, aliiance versus horde, horde scum, alliance scum, unfair tactics in game mechanics, imbalanced classes, the game is competitive by nature, i’m the best… you suck and now they want to put out a social contract for people to be NICE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW??? LMAO! Why don’t we go put rainbow banners all over stormwind and orgrimmar next, that will fix everything because everyone in the game is nice. No one will ever say your dps sucks and you should delete your character. This is just a hypocritical pile of dung.

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It’s not new. It’s always been the rules.

They might, for Pride Month.

Oh, they still will, and Blizz will take their sweet time to do nothing about it, like they always, do. This is just a PR stunt.

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Exactly which devalues all of it. It’s them still trying to clean up their bad behavior and make it look like it’s not what they created. I lose more respect for them every day. I don’t need a social contract to help other players, it’s what I’ve always done. ALWAYS. Given gold to random people, saved others from death. I’ve always hated how blizzard pitted people against each other. That popup message should have started off with their apology. Don’t tell me how to behave when you have no manners.

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Not everyone at Blizzard is being investigated for poor behaviour.

When I call this a “PR Stunt”, it’s not about their lawsuits. But to “shut up” those thinking Blizz is against them, so they pull this.

Holy rambling nonsense. This is a grow the hell up issue. Find proper healthcare, this isn’t the place for venting your daily struggles.

Do not throw health issues to the wind so lightly. As was stated many times before, there are people struggling right now. A forum absent professional medical personnel is not the place for mental health insults to be slung.

A forum composed of friends and a community, seems like a fair place to come vent if people act as such.

If you are not a medical provider, keep your unprofessional medical opinions to yourself.


You are actually wrong. I have been a subscriber for more than 10 years. This for me is principle. I pay for a subscription, Blizzard is a bad actor and randomly applies the policy so that I cannot play the game unless I accept their contract. I have not accepted yet, this may be the last straw for me. AND I will expect a refund for being blocked from the game.