I miss when era was popular

Lol wait til your next fresh. Copy this post. Watch how fast it dies. SOD opened pandoras box. The only “era” that will ever be popular is gonna be CLASSIC+

Once people saw the potential of Vanilla Era…theres no going back. Enjoy your 30/40 warrior raids my brother!

That and the fact half of the classes feel incomplete LMAO. Trust me guys. Era will never hit the same.

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You don’t consider buying stuff on the auctionhouse for Grizby a gold sink? Because it is.

Nice way to tell EVERYBODY that you HAVE NOT PLAYED the game in 4 months.

The quest was removed, you can buy the rune for 3g.

Know what a real gold sink is? Classic era GDKP.

The SoD forums tell a different story, but I don’t play SoD so I don’t really know. Hard to call it a vocal minority, when that would also be what this boast could be considered then as well.


Not because of the Game, but because of blizzards decisions with prolonging the phases. The gameplay of SOD > Era.

That’s a pretty subjective statement. To each their own though, enjoy!


SOD is more popular than current Era. So…

Could say the same about Era. The servers have been stagnant for what 3-4 years? That is a lot longer than the phase extension. It is quite impressive there are people playing it.

When I started on Era a year+ ago, a bis mage ran ud strat as the tank for my group. It was beaten long before most of the people currently playing even joined up.


That doesn’t mean it’s better to everybody.


It is currently. But you’re comparing the latest shiny thing to 5 year old servers. SoD is just a fad. It’ll be quickly abandoned after its cycle is over if they don’t get rid of it like they did with SoM. But Era will remain and probably absorb many of the SoD vagrants.

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The SoD forum is full of dooming right now. Even from the big fans of it. It’s a season too. We don’t know if there will be a perma server opened for it at the end or what’s going on with that.

Some people are even going back to Era now, from SoD.

Of course, many are also playing Cata, including you.

Why did you decide to come to this forum? Was it just to troll?

So you’ve got Cata, SoD, the Cata forum and the SoD forum, but all of those things combined are so incredibly boring that you need to spend your time on THIS forum trolling about Era and how well a fresh Classic would do? :thinking:


Nothing I’m interested in, but it’s nice you’re having fun. I’ve noticed that a lot of players there post like they’re the voice of everyone…

Even if there is, unless they add more content the whining will continue.


Avocado toast is more popular than doughnuts, with the current generation, but I know which one I’m not having with my morning coffee.


Next?? LOL there has never been.

If you mean failure in a box… yeah it kinda trash bro.

LOL playing for PVE only, “winning move” LOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

Era is doing fine and will be fine. Come join the fun!


Then why is sod losing players at a hilariously alarming rate?

You aren’t even good, none of the good teams ever invite you so I’m not sure why you are talking about pvp competition

With the median average of player loss per week, sod will have less players than era start of july

I was getting boosted yes, so i can join my guild in MC tonight. Anything else?

You also refused to join the discord when i gave it yo you to chill and maybe fo dungeons with us.

The one not wanting yo fix anything personal between us is honestly you xD

I don’t care what you do with your time and money. If you want to boost, have at it. My point is that you were AFK in ZG and missed the BRD groups you were complaining that you couldn’t find.

You logged off before I could respond. No offense, I don’t want to join your discord/guild. If you want to reach me you can whisper me in game. If we have some good runs together we can see how it goes.

Based on what?

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Wdym? I’m sitting here just chilling with a guild and we are all leveling up like always.