I miss when era was popular

you understand “SOD” is the new future of your “Era” ? LOL

Bless his heart.

He thinks SOD won’t be deleted when the season is over lmao


SoD has no future. Hence the “season”. Honestly seems like you’re just trolling. This is complete nonsense.

The best future SoD will get is an opportunity to transfer characters to Era at which point all of their SoD specific stuff would be removed.


Or they add the “Classic+” ERA realms and use the data from SoD characters on it with all the runes etc and just treat it as an expansion.


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Great, off you go & play SOD then. I couldn’t care less about retail, classic cata or SOD I don’t waste my time on those forums bleating on about how great ERA is

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lmao, this is what im waiting for. gonna hit 60 before everyone comes back

Never a better time to level… There is a population but not overcrowded


Deviate Delight is doing a community fresh - come join the fun. Not too late to start a new toon and enjoy that simple life! Lot of fun over here! My time capsule until hopefully a TBC server comes back.

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they are 100% planning something like SOD but a new version that isnt a season…thats the smartest move. if they do it correctly itll be bigger than 2019 classic

you think a fresh era gonna be popular? lol for a few months maybe then die out as soon as everyone just stacks warriors and gdkps

i just logged in to check and there is anyone barely leveling? what happened to everyone did it die already i saw ppl selling boosts

no were still there check with “we want fresh” for horde and the refresh and refresh too guilds for alliance

if people like Mastodon are playing in Refresh im good, hes super toxic and sells gold

what? where in the world did you get that from? I dont think youre very serious about trying out deviate delight lol

If you are interested at all in prog raiding in a non-gdkp environment, come check out Faerlina! We are in MC and need a few more peeps for BWL.


The only problem with SoD is the deviation from the parent classes went too far… The did not “Fix” anything they only changed the meta, so instead of stacking warriors you just stack a different class (patch / version depending)

Thing is… I would rather see a boat load of warriors in game than any other class, because when its Zugs on the battlefield and all over the place its the least obnoxious thing… When you see tons of hybrids because they’re BiS… LOL what a trash meta dude.

This coming from someone who LOVES vanilla paladin, I freaking love this class, its so good, and only baddies don’t get why its so good.

I’m new to Hardcore, and I’m having more fun on that version than anything else atm


Its the future of level 60 wow my broski. Lol. you think they gonna just keep doing eras and not classic+

Keep doing? We already HAVE Era and its BiS.


fixed lol :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL alrighty then… If you insist, but dead games don’t have Battlegrounds active 24-7 like era does,