I miss when era was popular

I didnt play HC or like it… How are you this quick to lump me in with that crowd?

Am I just using the Ironforge.pro site incorrectly?

I went to check Classic Era US PvE Mankrik cluster numbers the other day and noticed that the last number were tagged as November 2023.

The data I was seeing was almost 6 months old.

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Maybe? I actually see this as well when I click on an individual server but when I click on the All selected realms option I see data up to May 1, 2024.

That is kinda weird, hey? For the record though, the all realm pop as of the time of writing is 17640 for Era and 130780 for SoD.

Worth noting also that the main population page numbers differ from when you click on the realm. I’m thinking the realm specific pages for Era are broken somehow.


Yes, absolutely on the All Selected Realms number, Classic Era = US+EU+Oceanic, etc. = 17640.

However, that number comes as a total of the individual server numbers, whose data hasn’t been updated since November 2023.

I just couldn’t reconcile what I see in terms of Mankrik cluster Alliance activity with Ironforge.pro’s number of 1875 players, even if it’s just those logging raids.

It just seems to be a disconnect from the activity I see and those posted demographic numbers.

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That’s not even the date that the clusters were formed, so it’s not like they just stopped reporting individual server numbers. I’ve got nothin’, other than the theory that they do just collect data as a cluster-only and that clicking each server is linked to an old page format that’s no longer in use?

I think those all server numbers do change though. Let’s try to remember to check back in a few days to a week. If they’ve changed from the values I recorded today then we know that it’s still updating.



Sounds like a plan, since my curiosity has now been piqued.

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I mean, the server are pretty active, to be sure. I just feel that era was big for a while then fell off when SoD came out.

The best time to play in era was from March of 2023 to November of 2023.

I miss when your mom was popular
Now it is just me and her every night. Boring

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So, you miss the group flesh pile comradery, or you miss chilling with the bros while waiting on line, or maybe both?

Mainly it’s just the feeling of relevance, honestly.

Everyday it felt like Era was getting bigger…

Then SoD came out and now era feels like it was cast in the pit of irrelevancy, honestly.

I did notice the SoD dip, but it felt like it came back fairly well. Again, no disputing that the population has declined, but not by all that much actually.

Actually, ironforge.pro supports this. We can see a marked drop-off in the overall population right when SoD came out, losing roughly 50% of the players as compared to just prior to SoD. However, it looks like a lot came back and the population stabalized.

It looks like Era lost roughly 25% of it’s overall population in the months that followed SoD’s release. That’s actually not all that bad :smiley:

It’s again worth acknowledging here that this website only trackers raiders. If you were raiding in Era prior to SoD you are probably a lifer and likely stayed put. I have no doubt that SoD had a larger impact on the non-raiding population, but I still see people leveling in the zones I’m in on alts.

Well, for Alliance. Horde (on Manrkik) is very dead on the leveling scene!

I play on whitemane, actually, which has a decent horde population, and I guess I would say that i’m a lifer.

the rest of wow just sucks in my opinion.

Honestly I would prefer to just have a regular fresh realm, but that’s probably not gonna happen.

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Yea, I looked at that and there are a lot more Horde over there. World PvP isn’t for me though, so Mankrik is really the only other option. I’ve been casually leveling with a friend on Horde just to see what the other side is like. It’s going ok, we just can’t really find leveling dungeons.

I agree that other versions of WoW aren’t really ideal. SoD was almost interesting but the crowd that went there is the same crowd from WotLK (and Cata) and it’s just not my jam. I’m glad they exist for people who want to play them (plug for TBC/WotLK Era servers though!) but Vanilla is where it’s at for me.

I have mixed feelings on fresh tbh. That feels like something that needs to be the right timing, which might not happen until a Cata lull and SoD is finished. But hey, power to you. People are making their own fresh over on Deviant Delight though, so that could be a thing worth checking out.

*EDIT: You’ve probaby seen it but just in case…

So play Era, I am and love it.

The are very very very very simple on Era because its post 1.12 EZ mode and ya know, that’s just fine.

So come play Era ond Whitmane, the water is fine!

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Update. It’s 12:42am server time and I’ve just joined a BRD run as a DPS. There were two more groups that I watched scroll by in LFG, one looking for heals and another looking for DPS. I even whispered Psychachi to let them know about it but they were afk in ZG getting boosted.

Now listen dude, if you wanna get boosted in ZG that’s your own business… but runs are happening so either join them, or stop trying to tell me that they aren’t.

If you wanna run, let me know.


passed up on 3 different ZG’s, 1AQ40 an AQ20, numerous low level dungeons, aaaaand a premade that was lookin for another healer.

That was in the 3.5 ish hours I was on.

This doesn’t even include the spam for gold dkp that I have filtered out because I don’t do those.

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Literally none in sod is locked behind a gold sink. Unless you consider 3 gold a gold sink.

Need 4 people to do content? nice
Need 1 more people to do a rune? reeee vibes


Anyway era will come and go in pop, it is playable. Just like Lotr online is playable.
But since it doesnt have nothing being cooked for it people will jsut play it when sod or cata do not have anything going on, simple put, era has become the remix of classic content and quite frankly spamming gdkps isnt the endgame average dad think it’s fun, thats why era popularity always wane off everytime.


I’ve been boosting a gnome warrior, it takes so long - she’s only level 20…

Era will never be popular ever again. SOD killed it. SOD is way too much fun, way more buttons, way more classes being competitive. Only the noobs like the warrior stacking gdkp meta of era.