I miss when era was popular

I don’t like SoD because it’s just too complicated. you have to go hunting after all these runes everywhere just to be relevant, and some of them are locked behind gold sinks, and others you have to get help to do.

I miss when things were simple, where the only help you really needed was with dungeons and raids, and group quests and bgs were optional.


Era took a hit when SoD launched but its steadily making a recovery for sure.



Now that cata and panda remix is out, its further in the gutter close to how it was before the HC addon was poppin. Complete ghost town compared to the glory days of HC addon.

SoD has even taken a similar hit. We’ll see numbers sorta stabilize after the first raid phase in cata but its looking like we’re going to be in the low for a good while.

I dont know seems like the folks who have been playing era have been saying theyve been noticing more players coming in. I know i have


It’s a great time to play era. you’ve got options from community focused Grobbulus microsever, to deviate delight reroll, to whitemane/mankirk mega clusters.

Theres no better time than now.

I’ve been playing in Grobb alliance since 2022 and our guild has been here since 2021. We clear raids and dungeons and world bosses weekly. Horde side is growing and working on bwl progression.

If that’s not for you, you’ve got the other options listed too! Vanilla has always been the best version of WoW and honestly in the only game I’ve really played the last few years. It pains me to see people who want to play but hold out for…. Reasons? Just play the game!


It wasn’t HC, it wasn’t asmon. The first influx of player growth on era was the end of the week uldaur came out in wotlk, ppl did it one time and quit. After that influx asmon made a video and the hype train started rolling.

I fully expect after ppl see the first cata and sod raids, ppl will be rerolling on era.

I know, im not trying to deter people away from ERA by my comment above. Just stating we have to wait for all this other crap to die down.

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No, it’s way more active than it was in those days. I remember signing on at any time of day and seeing zero people in SW. There were no dungeon groups to be had at all and only a few active raiding guilds doing end-game content.

To be sure, this is more than enough for those guilds to have fun, but Era right now is still way better off than in those days. I can still find a dungeon group on any given night. It might not be the dungeon I want to do, but I can still usually find a group for something.

I think this is fine though. Era is there for the people who want to play it. If that’s a small number, so be it. It’s all the people driving RMT who move on first and that’s just fine with me!


We’re on the same damn cluster you’re telling me at 12-6 server time there is dungeon groups going? City popping like 8 months ago when HC addon was popping? No. Just lies at that point I can make a few videos at different time periods and check /who.

Get some new glasses, yours might be broken.

Cherry picking with “It might not be the dungeon I wand to do, but I can still usually find a group for something.” statement is just proving how dead ERA is at this given moment.

When HC was popping off you could find not only just any dungeon but multiple groups forming for the ones you needed and wanted at any given time even late at night.

You look at LFG right now on mankrik cluster and tell me what you see exactly in a copy paste here with a pic and the server time. There will be nothing but pre sign ups for a ZG or a spam fest of mara/ZG boosters or some sappy low levels looking for a deadmines or ZF/ST runs.

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Yes… and yes. There’s always strat and scholo groups going, at least as of last week anyway. Do you run the LFGBB addon? It makes it a lot easier to pick groups out of LFG and to go on about your business while you wait for a group.

You might want to give your attitude a check, sir. You made the same complaint over a year ago when it was super easy to find groups. If you put as much effort into finding groups as you did in aggressively typing up heated replies on the forum, you might have a lttle more fun.

Nobody is saying that Era’s population is massive, we can see by the population numbers on ironforge.pro that it’s not, but there are still groups running and if you just want to play and enjoy the game, you can do that.

*EDIT: Hahaha dude come on. Within one minute of logging in I see two groups advertising for level 60 dungeons. Before lunch time on a week day.


I don’t see it… I just re-rolled on Mankirk and am seeing plenty of people around. There are multiple people leveling around the undead starting zones at prime-time, and when I pop on before work or at lunch there are people leveling in those zones as well. In ORG there’s a minimum of 50 people hanging around at anytime I log in.

It’s not the craziness that I saw in 2019, but honestly there were too many people leveling back then - this experience is kinda what I expect and honestly what I prefer.


This is a comparison to when the HC addon and asmon days were going off 7-8 months back. Compared to then when we didnt have SoD and Cata soaking up our numbers.

It’s basically a ghost town after 10 server time these days. Back then you had dungeons and raids going till 4-5 server time later into the night and early in the morning.

Tubbly can bring all his personal dribble he wants to a reply, he made his bed with our history as I could explain but he’d probably report my post as a personal attack at this point.

I’m literally in a dungeon group now. You should maybe talk less and play more.

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You’re now complaining about our convo in LFG and have been for the last 10 minutes but you know what you haven’t done? Asked for a group…


Because I am getting small stuff done before I head out to freaking work for the day…

I don’t have time for a dungeon. But thanks for the screenshots I can show others alongside how little dungeons get advertised in LFG at this hour of the morning.

Will check back this evening after work and count up the BRD groups or scholo/strats. Wont be more than 2-3 all together forming as usual. Compared to back then yet again during HC addon days with almost 10 groups forming for each one, not all together. The only reason I had a ton of trouble back then was a few reasons.

  1. My timing
  2. My class choice
  3. I was a damn dps

Our interaction back then was anything but helpful to either of us. I had a rough spot irl then as I do now, big surprise I guess. Then you dipped. Are you going to come back now and just attack a comment with no basis than our interactions from back then?

All I did as you can scroll the hell up and see is state SoD and Cata are stealing some players for a while and we need to hold out till they basically come back. So honestly F off.

worst retard community of this microcosm that is classic wow

we era players make fun of you, dont lump yourselves in with us

Didn’t the HC addon people totally remove themselves from playing with non addon people. They would not have contributed anything to finding groups, etc.

That said there are significantly less people now than when r14 got changed to static honor caps.

I started era and got to 60 just before the mass resurgence. That was a ghost town. Even more than now.

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You should really go back and re-read that, because my response to you (which I directly quoted) was you talking about population levels approaching what they were pre-HC. This is not true and that’s why I chose to engage here.

I cannot be any more clear here. Era’s population is lower than it has been in a long time and is a full order of magnitude below that of SoD; however, it is more than sufficient to maintain a healthy and active population.

Pre-HC you could log in and do a /who 60 and it would return less than 50 players no matter what time you do it. Even now, at off-peak hours on a week day, there are at least 200 level 60 players logged in. That is no where near picture of a dead game you make it out to be.

I was about to post a screenshot but I’m thinking, what’s the point? You were in LFG the same as I was this morning. I joined the Strat Live group that I saw within minutes of logging in and while you were talking about how few groups there were, there was another Start Live group advertising (for 2 DPS, no less) as well as a Scholo group (healer was LFM).

If you didn’t see that then me posting screenshots isn’t really going to accomplish anything. So no, I’m not going to engage with that.

You’re quick to accuse me of lying but what you’re saying just doesn’t line up with reality. I don’t know if this is willful ignorance or if it’s you genuinely not seeing the groups.

Again, I strongly urge you to download the LFG Bulletin Board addon. I would be happy to help you set it up if you have trouble with this stuff. It doesn’t take too long, you just set it to filter for only the dungeon range you’re interested in, then just leave it up and pay attention to it out of the corner of your eye while you do other things. As I white this, it’s showing me that a tank is looking to build a strat UD group.

We’ve talked about this before, I think you have the expectation that just because you’re online you’ll get a group immediately. You’re not going to. That wasn’t even the case during the height of Classic Vanilla in 2019. I did my pre-bis grind and sometimes I had to wait a while to find a group… as a healer! It’s just how it goes.

I noticed from your chat in LFG that you’re struggling to find a BRD quest group. I’m honestly surprised by this given the number of BRD groups but here’s some advice. Be open to playing multiple roles. My pally runs an 11/16/24 build (search my post history for pretadin) and it works really well. I can dps and I can tank everything at this point except UBRS. It’s really flexible and people in Era are extremely chill.

We’ve talked about this before and this is the last time I’m going to say this. I’m genuinely sorry you were (and maybe still are) having a hard time IRL. That sucks and I’ve gone through struggles myself. However, I’m not out to get you personally. I’m challenging the things you’re saying because they just aren’t factual. I made it clear why I unfriended you and I don’t think we need to go into it, but if you want to approach things differently I remain open to it.

I just love this version of the game and am always happy to just play it. However, I also am very careful about who I interact with. I’m really chill when it comes to playing and I just really don’t like in-game drama. So if you want to play and you want to do BRD, I’m free tonight except for between 5:30pm and 8pm (ish) pacific. Just please bring a positive attitude and a little patience.

Last thing of note. That tank group I mentioned filled within 5 mins and so now I’m flying up to EPL for a second run this morning, doing Strat Dead as a DPS. I can’t stress enough here, I am nothing special. I just look for groups and engage with people, but I’m also patient. Some times I just don’t get a group, so I find other things to do for a while and try back later.

This isn’t me trying to be a jerk to you, but two back to back runs on a Thursday morning really doesn’t indicate a dead game.

In all fairness to Psychachi, the HC addon just renewed general interest in Era. You’re absolutely correct in that anybody who was actually doing HC didn’t engage with the rest of the community because of the Solo Self-Found ruleset, but a lot more people came back to Era just to see what all the fuss was about :slight_smile:

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I’m like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say:
“Carry on my wayward son…”

-Oscar Gamble 1776