I miss the past

I think thats average for wow gamers, people who play cod and fortnight are def not 35 lol

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Haha, seems like it, doesn’t it. Here’s the stats:

The average age of video game players is around 35 years.

The gamer age statistics worldwide show that the gaming world is changing all the time. The average of video game players is shifting upwards. In 2022, it was between 35 and 44.

But in your defense:

Men aged 18-34 prefer shooter games, while women prefer family games.

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Similar! Id sit on the desk whole my dad played Diablo. He was on the ground floor with those competitive shooters. I remember playing on the floor, and watching him in Unreal(?) Tournament matches. I’ve tried to play, but a combination of sensory issues and satellite Internet makes that too hard. I went in a very different direction, as he gave me Ultima Online, the gateway drug.

Halo is his true brand loyalty, but not exactly sure what game he plays most now, but it’s one of those call of duty shoot a guys.

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I love the FF VII remake and can’t wait for part two. There are still some really good turn based RPG’s being made if you just look a little.

I liked the graphics but i didnt like the game play, im just old school i guess, did download the original FF7 from the store tho

I’ve always liked action games so the combat style in the remake wasn’t that jarring a change for me.The best part about the remake is all the extra story elements they added.

I started gaming in the 80’s I miss everything taking huge strides forward both in gaming and tech. But I also miss games making up for their limitations by being endlessly replayable and fun now they just like to throw shiny graphics at you a lot of times and call it a day.

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Even the job system has its roots in FF1, and I get that FF has its roots in D&D, but it was pretty eye opening to see we are now at 16? games into the franchise excluding things like tactics or crisis core and still doing the same stuff.

10s talent system is unique, but lots of games we’re doing that went it came out. D2 was my earliest memory, but I remember it wasn’t novel to it at the time.

Yea i get it, i grew up playing square soft RPG games back in the day some mega man , im sure you remember those

I just downloaded 11 on my PS5 today.

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a kid always makes you feel younger , time to start thinking of family

Yep, there have always been bad games and shovelware. We forget about the bad stuff and only remember the good.

That said…big high budget games have definitely taken a turn for the worse since that time. Most “AAA” games are full of microtransactions and gambling now. But we also have an abundance of indie games these days that we didn’t back then, and that goes a long way to making up for it.

The world in general has gotten OVERWHELMINGLY worse in almost every way since 2019 though. This is the worst decade I’ve lived through. And it looks like it’s going to get MUCH worse.

You should get the X legacy collection

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I plan on it once I recover from Christmas.

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Its like $19 bucks i think

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That’s not bad advice if it’s something that they’re thinking about doing. I found myself with a 15 year old son, and all that some with it, at 50. I wouldn’t have been so forgiving in my mid 30’s. :slightly_smiling_face:

He’ll be 18 in a couple of weeks, and he’s turned into a wonderful young man, but the angst/rebellion was real for a little bit.

Good ole Pong lol. I miss the 1980’s more than anything. Don’t really miss the mullet though :crazy_face:

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The past doesn’t exist, neither does the future.

That’s not old, shaddaaaaaapppp. (i say cuz i will be too)

i am a new father myself (7months ) and it’s a fresh breath of life

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Back in my daaaay…
we called that “Grafitti”