I miss the past

I thought this was going to be about all the pre-historic life forms we’d never know about due to how incomplete the fossil record is.

Well, not really. But I had hoped it would be about that.

I felt pretty young in my 30s. It was a good decade in some ways I liked my 30s more than 20s.

I bought my own place at 27 technically but most of my 20s was school , and entry level jobs and for a bit of them I still lived at home.

30s I started making “decent “ money got my own place — at that stuff.

I miss the past also. 23 years old, and I feel 50 already.

You’re still a child. Go watch Stranger Things again and have an RC Cola FFS.


I miss no bills. Lol

But I grew up a little different and I think I’m able to enjoy things now more than I used too. I see a happy future full for fun stuff for as long as my family and I can stay healthy at least. :blush:

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I was thinking of my Atari 2600. I find myself missing it as well, but I know that nostalgia often leads to disappointment…

New stuff is for new gen, most gamers are about 18-to like 25

This 55 year old gamer loves new stuff.

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Then you will never enjoy the present or future

I’m 37 and got my hands on an NES and final fantasy. What surprised me was a few things.

Lack of in game direction toasts is absolutely infuriating to me, that’s a big QoL thing I like in my games now. I played trials of mana along side it on the switch and I really enjoy that feature now. I don’t like feeling like I’m wasting time or I have to review a guide to save myself 10 hours of running around an open world map.

That first final fantasy game really cemented ~90% of the genre. The mobs, sprites, naming system, weapons, stats, magic, etc. has been changed so little since the initial title. I was just shocked at how little changed in future installments. I would argue that the games were largely stale until FF7 gave us a 3D world and even then the world map and combat are similar. Zelda as a series suffers from this too. Breath of the wild was a MASSIVE leap forward for that title for me. I loved both the switch games.

I always play wow ~10-15 hours a week now, but I can’t say it feels different than FF11 or even my brief stint with EQ1 in an earth shattering way. Lots of QoL updates, but the genre has been largely solved. When I went to FF:ARR for a bit at release it was fresh for maybe a week but the guts of the mmos are all the same. I just posted the other day about it.

Final fantasy 1 was released with a multitude of scaling issues and bugs. Spells you can buy straight up don’t work, and break the game in half as a melee (looking at you TMPR) when you get the pixel remaster because of how good they really are.

I still to this day hate instant speed deaths in any video game. It feels like a cheesy and lazy mechanic to have stage memory play such a big factor in success. Oddly enough I loved playing SWAT in Halo Reach online lol (but man did I hate that sword lunge)l in other modes).

Insurmountable odds is another thing I don’t tend to enjoy. When I was playing the Star Wars battlefront games a few years ago, I can’t stand some of the hero characters. It’s not fun watching Palpatine have 3-4x my highest team performer as we just wilt to this one dude having fun.

Anyway, it’s all similar and oddly familiar. There is a ton of cross training in games now. Some of its age. Some of its familiarity with gaming as entertainment.

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Well ill give you an example, the RPG games used to be turn based, most popular Final Fantasy series , now its all action games, even the new square enix went that routed… FF7 remake lol ? action game ?

/flips the switch on the back.

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You might be surprised, the average age for a gamer is 35. Heck, my mom is a gamer (daily) and she’s 79.


FF4 & 6 (2 & 3 US) were the best in the series and I will die on this hill.

A Link to the Past (SNES) is the best Zelda game. Hill. Die on it.



My dad is about to turn 70, and has an fps addiction. He will never play games with me :disappointed:

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I don’t remember constant new high quality games being put out, but I wasn’t really a super big gamer until I started playing WoW and then went on a bit of a gamer crusade.

I miss it too. Mostly a good 99 dollar a week motel with a big ole key on a plastic keychain with the name of the motel and room number.

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I can see the brown with orange swish colored bed covers, and the cigarette burns on the edge of the sink.:laughing:

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That’s pretty rad that he’s still at it. Bummer about not getting to game together. I was lucky to be introduced to the arcade by my dad at the age of 2. I still have fond memories of him holding me up so I could steer, while he handled the pedals. My mom got me into console gaming not long after that, with the release of the NES, back in '85. I’m fortunate enough to still game with her almost daily.

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