I miss the past

just in-general.

i miss reading sprite comics, watching homestar runner, playing on my gamecube, doing crap on neopets, the constant new/high-quality games being put out by companies, and the feeling of ’ this is only the beginning, there’s so much to look forward to!'.

now it feels like the world i knew has just… burnt-away, or been forgotten, and any sense of an exciting future has gone with it…

i dunno. i know i’m getting older (heck, i’m turning 32 this year) but i just… i look at the ‘new’ stuff coming out, and it feels as-if the world has just stopped coming-up with new stuff, and pushing what can be done. feels like it’s just… content to wallow in ‘okay’ rather than push for greatness.


Here, a small taste of the past then. :slight_smile:



I used to leave little drawings of Homestar Runner around my school since he was just easy to draw. Oh teacher letting me play on the white board? Time to draw Homestar Runner.


I don’t. I enjoy my adult freedom and disposable income lol.


I wanted to add to this. The high school variant of me instead went with Foamy the Squirrel because again. They were mega easy to draw


Would an old angelfire fansite for System of a Down from 1999 be a nice throwback for you?


omg someone get this old fossil some metamucil and get off his lawn! :weary:

Really though, 32? Pfft… you’re a wee lad yet.


ah. the assumption i miss these things because i was a child.

well, your correct about one thing, i was a child, but that’s not the reason i miss the past.

i miss it because it felt like everything was getting bigger and better, that we were all building toward something. games were getting better graphics, gameplay was still king, most franchises were firing on all-cylinders… there was a ton of stuff to keep ya preoccupied, always something to look forward to…

i don’t miss the past because i was a kid.
i miss the past because we had a TON of new content, whether it was from movies like the lord of the rings, video games like halo 1 and 2, all sorts of little things to do on the internet, like play flash games, or watch videos on this new site called ‘youtube’…

was a great time to be alive.

bless ya Kainas.

same here Rosenivy, same here! :+1:



Thats called rose colored glasses. The garbage being pumped out in the past ain’t any different from the garbage being pumped out now lol.


Damn, that’s nostalgic


Unless thats vodka there has been a serious miscommunication and I demand to talk to the manager…



He still makes them. Although the new ones are not nearly as funny and the Germain thing took some really weird turns.


Wow. Thanks for this. I wonder if Looking For Group is still making comics…(the For Pony, warlock guy whose name escapes me…)

I sometimes wonder if there is a limit to how many amazing things can be invented or amazing story ideas can be written, before there are no more. A time where everything has already been done before.

The entertainment overload we are used to the internet giving us has become the entertainment monotony. The world of OMG has become the world of MEH.

I am saddened I will never feel again, the way I did when I first played Mario 64, and was blown away, and knew that game would be my everything until I beat it. Or that time I logged into EverQuest deep in some cave I had been questing in, and my guildie Stabalot (rogue of course) was 20ft in front of me walking super-slow as a frost giant was about to kill him, I cast my best heal with long cast time and prayed it would be in time, and it was and we killed it and then grouped to kill more of them, the best of times.

Guildies always logged in and asked in guildchat “where u guys at?” and join the rest of us, and then we would plan how we would get them to us, which could be tricky, but we would do anything for a guildie.

Its like the best times of video games are gone, even Ashes of Creation does not get me as exited as it once did, it will be taken over by kids just like the rest.


Yeah, not gonna lie, all the optimism I’ve had about how great everything seemed in the 90’s and early 2000’s has all but vanished.

It seems like we’re going backwards.

Religious wars coming back to the forefront, and my own countryfolk upset they can’t continue to be racist/homophobic? “Woke” is a problem? What happened to uplifting lives for all?

I’m so disappointed, lol.


They still make cartoons. Just on youtube now. But I remember being so psyched some fanart I drew of Pilz-e got on the website.

Small warning careful with the stuff that includes swearing on here.

In my experience, life is so much more fun as an adult. People said “enjoy being a kid while it lasts” and it made me feel anxious because I hated adolescence. I used to think, “Life is going to get even worse?” But it didn’t, it got so much better. To any teens (if you exist on WoW) maybe life after high school will actually be 100x better for you, just hang in there. Keep working hard and value your education.