I miss the past


I’m sure that you’ve heard the phrase, “They grow up so fast!”

Part of that is us, as parents, getting older as well. Hell, my oldest daughter is turning 34 this year, and I’m still about that age in my soul.

At a certain point we mature, and the reflection in the mirror is all that changes. I used to have brown hair on my chin, I swear!

We all start off as helpless, many get to grow and become adults and enjoy the prime years of life, and then we start fading back to the start if we’re lucky.

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I didn’t draw on buildings so nah. Just little doodles on paper or on white boards we used in school

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Please god I would kill to 32 again hell even 50 again

But this song says it all from a good singer

I still see it on the side of train cars at times. It can be interesting to see what people painted about cities a thousand+ miles away.

Some of them I consider to be pieces of eclectic street art, but most are Eminem or Joanie loves Chachie style tags from my experience.

Ah, nostalgia!
Sometimes it’s so sweet it’s sickening.

Don’t worry, they will pander to you one last time during the next decade, but it will be in the form of entertainment for your kids. Then, you will enter your forties, at which point most of the people around you will be younger than you and no longer get your references and the culture will stop acknowledging you even exist at all.

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This is lazy joke writing, but I’m working on perfecting it so it’s less lazy and more like a workshop for joke writers in training.

There is a joke in there playing with the idea of passed and past simultaneously. It’s not that I can’t find it, but can you?

I agree, and this all seemed to happen when democrats became deranged with wokeness.

Early to mid-thirties is a sweet spot - smell some roses.

I have an entire room in my house devoted to 1970s comic books. Nostalgia’s a helluva drug.

Im 31 and some things are a blur.

I mix old stuff with new stuff and i get excited for new things.

I concur I miss the hot Texas summers with my dad on a Friday night at the drive through movies sitting on the hood of his 69 gto judge while the both of us sipping on cold cherry cokes and eating popcorn yes I’m that old also I remember when me and my sister got an atari 2600 for Christmas and at that time I never thought it could get any better lol.