I miss the past

Its not old old. Not elderly or anything.
But by the time youre 30 you no longer have any claim to your youth any more.
Youre no longer a young adult, just a regular adult.

Im currently 28 and feeling very old.
The things i used to identify with are no longer relevant to my life experiences. My tastes have changed. My back hurts and i cant recover from a hangover like i used to.

Its a weird place to be when you stop being young.

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You can’t. It won’t. That’s whats wild about time. It’s forever changing us in one way or another.

At 30, all you know is at 30. and at 30 thats 100% of your life. !00% of your life can feel old.

I often think about how our age really means a whole lot to us as we develop. Your first goal in maturing is to hit 13. Now your a teen! But you can’t drive. So 16 is the goal, thats an adult! But wait at 18 you can vote and go die for your country (but not drink or smoke weed (backwards imo)) So now it’s 21 that is an adult because all your restrictions are gone.

Now look back at the 13 year old who thought they were an adult. and that 16 Y/O, 18,21, 25, 30.

You know when you actually really realize your getting old? pains that develop while you sleep.

“wtf? I wasn’t limping when I went to bed, whats wrong with my back? How come I can’t read these tiny letters? My arm is too short to move this text far enough away to read it.”

That’s old. Even then, you can still be a kid.


man… everyone assumed i meant that 30-ish was old, i just meant that i’m aware i’m getting older!

…though, when i think about how my mum was doing at my age, she was already raising me… meanwhile, i don’t even have girlfriend, let alone a child… ah heck… i made myself depressed again…


Oh my goodness you’re but a wee lad, just a wee lil biscuit! 36 isn’t even a full piece of bread. You’re a crust. A wee nibble of bread.


Give yourself another 20 years and youll be shaking your fist at clouds. Trust me…


We are growing up or like me, in a rut, unfortunately.

Don’t knock being regular.


Oh I would never knock being regular. Healthy poopin’ is the bee’s knees. :honeybee: :honeybee: :honeybee:


I have a Trogdor hoodie :laughing:

I, too, listen to techno.


It’s been two hundred years as lesser children of greater sires.

I feel ya…

And I would sometimes express basically the same sentiments - especially around the holidays with family. I kind of saw it as showing appreciation for good times (there were bad but also good) growing up.

One evening my grandmother took me aside and said that she, too, is nostalgic but not about her childhood.

She was nostalgic about things she did when she was five years older than I was at the time.

She impressed upon me that it is my responsibility to keep trying new things and to fully experience what I try.

The "good old days’ might start tomorrow - if you make that happen for yourself.

She’s gone… but I try to implement her advice every day now.


That’s me this year. lol

Also, the problem with looking back, and thinking everything was so cool and new back when you were younger, is that a lot of it was not.

  • Some of the biggest hits in music are actually remakes from previous decades
  • Some of the biggest blockbuster movies are often from a book, from indie filmmakers, or even remakes from previous decades
  • Neopets were originally designed as a more advanced version of Tamagotchi
  • Homestar Runner, Foamy, and a lot of flash animations play off of old comedy tropes, albeit in new ways, but also rely on, again, tried-and-true comedies from previous decades
  • Video games had a lot of innovation, but also borrowed heavily from, broken record here, previous decades. Even by the 90s, how many games did Mario, Link, Lara Croft, Sly Cooper, Solid Snake, Master Chief, etc star in or pioneer a new type of game?

So, if we look at the uniqueness of each of these examples, rather than their origins, we can see that originality still exists. You just have to find it amongst all of the clichés, remakes, sequels, and other cash-grabs. Not to say that you can’t still enjoy the latter, but if there isn’t enough originality mixed in, everything gets a bit stale and predicatble.

I love posts like that. :blush:

I struggle with this thought a lot too, but when I do, I try to step back and look at it logically. In past decades, people got married and had kids super early because there was a massive amount of social pressure to do so. You were considered weird if you didn’t have at least a couple by the time you were 30, and if you didn’t get married it was also weird. If you think about it, a huge number of those young marriages were between people who really weren’t right for each other who were just trying to fit in. That’s led to an insane divorce rate and also to the prevalence in low-effort comedy of “I hate my spouse” jokes.

It sucks to not have been able to find a partner as early as most of my friends, but I’d much rather be a late bloomer than have multiple children with someone I don’t love and be obligated to still deal with them for the rest of my life. So hopefully that’s at least a little uplifting.

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Next you’ll be waving your cane and telling all the Draenei to get off your lawn.

I often miss the past, but for me, it’s about missing the way things felt when they were new. When I started learning to sew my own clothes, and had a killer wardrobe that I made myself. When I then branched off into quilting and textile art that turned into a 25+ year obsession of collecting fabrics, threads, beads, machines, tools, gizmos and gadgets. When I discovered WoW (and then RIFT, and then FFXIV, and then SWTOR) and everything was new and exciting. Heck, I think about the Argent Tournament a lot that way, since it was the first casual, open world end-game thing I did! LOL

That’s the past I miss, because you can’t recapture the excitement of discovering the unknown, and a new game or new patch or new quilting project doesn’t do it the same way anymore. I don’t miss being younger, for sure. I mean, well… 56 is getting up there, and I’d have happily stayed in my late 30s forever were it possible, but still. And here’s something for you folks saying 30s is old now:

I found this a couple of years before my own daughter turned 30, and carefully saved the link to send to her on her birthday. She was (and still is) always going on about being old already! :rofl:

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I enjoyed my life as a kid in the '80s and early '90s. The year 2000 seemed so magical and the so futuristic. Cartoons had awesome intros. Saturday mornings were for binge watching all your favorite shows, with a massive bowl of sugar, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, soaked in milk.

Friday was the best! My parents would pick me up from school and we’d rush to Blockbuster Video to grab the new releases. Mom and I would wonder the isles, grabbing stacks of movies and video games, dad would be next door grabbing pizzas and sodas from Pizza Hut. Friday night was family movie night, filled with popcorn, pizza, sodas, candy and ice cream. After that, it was straight to my room to play whatever game we just rented.

It was a blast!

So many bangers in that movie.


Almost like you grew up. Congratulations.

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