I miss the past

That whole “enjoy your childhood. These are your best years” thing just felt extra cruel for me because I was depressed enough to have suicidal thoughts at 9. So my brain was just “this is as good as it gets?!??!” and kinda made me hyper focus on the passing of time.

Rather glad therapy got that booted out of my head for the most part.


I’m really glad that you’re still here.


Yeah I wasn’t trying to be all “oh lemme just trauma dump”. If I do come off that way I’ll just delete the post.


i think people just say things like that because they enjoyed that time of their lives and just assume it’s universal.

Also, what rita said.


just turned 43 here

I remember when I was 11 or 12 my uncle immigrated from Spain he was 24. He came in the summer so I had summer break. We would order pizza and stay up till the sun came up playing NES…mostly battle city for some reason we both took to that game and could play for hours. When our hands got tired we would play cards or board games like monopoly.

I miss those days a lot.


Nah, you are good. I hope you are also having a good start to 2024 Rosenivy.


True true.

Parents sometimes have no idea what kinds of existential crisis they conjure into their children sometimes lol

Like the movie Brave Little Toaster. Yall ever see that? There’s a whole dang song that scarred me for life.


Can’t complain. Moms off at the place we’re gonna move into. She likes going there sometimes because there is no cable there yet. So she isn’t distracted putting together furniture lol.

So I’m just chilling with the dog at our apartment. Still chipping away at packing stuff up from my closet. All my nerdy stuff is heavy and when I pack stuff I try to fill up the entire box so stuffs more heavy. So we’re trying to pack in smaller bundles as Mom goes back and forth between the two places to drop stuff off.

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Aww cute, dog party! I didn’t know that you were moving. I moved somewhat recently, and there was SO much random junk in my closets. I think Goodwill got more than I moved in with. (Except the cute stuff, I keep the cute stuff!)


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Yeah Mom got a good chunk of money when grandma passed. She wants to work part time at her job. And the apartment we live in keeps raising the rent. So we’re moving to a nice mobile home that is cheaper.

Seriously its a cute lil house

I did donate a bunch of clothes cuz I got chubby over the years lol. The rest of my fav shirts we’re sending in to get a blanket made out of them. Like my old Rammstein shirts that were a pain to find in the states lol. Or some old video game youtuber shirts like some Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox and Crendor ones. Super Best Friends Play too.

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The system is down. The system is down. The system is down.
doodiirilldedoodoo. doodiirilldedoodoo. doodiirilldedoodoo.


Thirty two wasn’t old when I was 32. When did 32 become old?


At 31.

Then, at 40+ it begins to look and feel like your late teens again. Time is crazy awesome.

I see myself in my 30’s as still figuring it out. Now in my 40’s I’m … still figuring it out.


I’m 55 and still figuring it out. And that’s your demovtivational motivation for the day.


Wow! It worked! I totally feel like doing nothing. Surprisingly, it feels refreshing and somehow light.


I think for the most part we were good until 2020. Then we all just mentally aged 10 or more years from the trauma of it all

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im an old 36.

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30 somethings really need to stop implying that being in your 30s is old.

Not just saying it for this post but I’ve read similar on social media sites as well.

But aside from that yes I miss years past I think it’s a fairly normal thing people reflect on as long as you don’t do it to an obsessive degree.

If you think or dwell on the past that’s not healthy and you will miss out on what is good in the present.

I just miss the music, it had more soul

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