I miss old crafting. I put talents in the wrong section on tailoring thinking it would be far more important, and it really isn’t. only fix would be to unlearn tailoring, but they i lose everything all expansions such a dumb system. I don’t mind learning talents to learn recipes. but all this other stupid stuff and stats and acuity and concentration can burn for all i care.
Then don’t worry about leveling your stuff. If you just put any knowledge points you randomly get into threads of devotion, it’s just a straight upgrade over the previous system where what you make is low level gear for alts.
I meant with the classic talents.
I have trouble understanding the talent trees because they are designed like a modern yugioh deck.
Reading everything is key.
Sure it looks like a wall at first. But trace the branches, read what they do. How they link and synergize with others.
Tbh this is the best version of the talents. Classic felt pointless since it was mostly passives.
Mops were overly simplied and encouraged cookie cutters.
These, you can go meta, sure. But you have quite a bit of wiggle room. Hybrid builds. Your talent choice is actually meaningful and impactful on your playstyle.
You get laughed at if you show up as a shado pan monk. Or a totemic shaman.
And raiding is a very tiny part of the game in classic. Like you said feral druids are bad in classic but they are one of the best leveling classes and one of the best flag carriers in wsg.
This is definetely the worst version of the talent tree. Aint no other ganes genna be copying this one anytime soon.
But trace the branches, read what they do.
This translates to “reread it 50 times going back and forth doible checking abilities.”
Also I dont think this works. Like a modern yugioh deck its SO much easier to learn the combos if you just download a netdeck and play with rhat fir a while.
Your talent choice is actually meaningful and impactful on your playstyle.
Oh yea I can bw a shadowpan monk. Do I get to do cool ninja stuff? No. What do I get? More random procs? Thanks blizzard, I hate it.
Class design in TWW isnt just the worst its ever been in WoW but its becoming bad compred to phone games. Its like a 4/10 game with this awful class design full of procs and meaningless decisions.
You vastly overestimate how much people are checking that. If you are doing appropriate damage/healing, executing mechanics, and staying alive, I doubt most raid leads will ever notice anything except your role and ilvl in the application.
You are actively choosing that talent set. Don’t pick it if you don’t like it.
Class design was at its worst in Vanilla with Lacerate and Weapon balance being talents deep in the tree.
Or read until you comprehend what you are clicking on.
Nerd raging about hero talents does not make my statement about more room for choice wrong.
Silly me… I didn’t realize I replied to pulemy.
My mistake. Proceed with disengenuous subjectiveness and bad takes.
Ill see my way out lol.
No thank you, I love the new trees even with their faults.
Or read until you comprehend what you are clicking on.
Or blizzard can just make it more easy to comprehend? Considering Ive been playing this game on and off for over 15 years and scored high in reading comphrension all thru school…
Buddy its just badly designed. Quit blaming the
more room for choice wrong.
WoW doesnt have meaningful choices anymore.
The playerbase decided in Shafowlands thay they would rather min max than have meaningful choices.
And Ian was right. This game isnt even an rpg anymore. You just bring whichever tool is best for the job.
And yea class design in this game just gets worse and worse with each no expansion. And the talent trees get worse with each new installment. Its like the movie idocracy.
Considering the earliest class designs were terrible on launch, and what we have now is good… No.
I miss the vanilla - WotLK talent tree design.
Its already in plain English with tooltips telling you what it does.
The game doesn’t need to get dumbed down because you are lazy.
Class design was at its worst in Vanilla
Dont wven compare your bloated power crept glorified phone game to one of the greatest RPGs of all time.
You are actively choosing that talent set. Don’t pick it if you don’t like it.
All of the Hero Talents are dissapointing. They just dont change the class in any significant way. Half od the clases dont even get ONE new ability. Only passives.
You vastly overestimate how much people are checking that
Sure. But this is way more true in classic because the group content isnt designed to be hard.
In my humble opinion, the reason the trees are a mess, is due to locking so many skills behind others…
I think that skills should be freely available based on character level, with no gating behind other skills.
Its already in plain English with tooltips telling you what it does.
So is yugioh.
Retail class design is like modern yugioh. Bloated. Power crept. Not friendly at all to returning players.
But yes it is technically in plain english…even if most people will reread it 5 times and still not understand the combos.
Class design in TWW is horrible.
The worst its ever been in WoWs history.
And classic design (especially after patch 1.2) was the best version of class design this game has ever had.
Class design now is just random procs on top of random procs to give the illusion of complexity (and apparently some peoppe fall for it)
Power crept, yes. But its been awhile since a squish.
Bloated? Lol. They just gutted abilities and made a lot passive.
As far as new players… its an mmo…its always going to be unfriendly. Every mmo is like this. This game is 20 years old. The world map alone is unfriendly to new players. Its disengenuous to cherry pick talents when you level and pick one at a time.
Just like how you prefer white hits in classics and the illusion of choice by picking the passives from those talent trees right?
Sadly that’s just how it is, it turned into a spreadsheet game where everything is a means to an end.
I remember reading on the back of Vanilla WoW box(Or the manual) when they talked about the talent system and how it made you different you from other players depending on how you built your character.
Back then it was very heavy on commitment so it ended up enhancing that fantasy, sure you made bad calls when it came to speccing but that was part of the progression. This is exactly what D4 did coming from D3 because ppl didn’t like the concept of slapping skills on and off freely so they ditched that concept thankfully.
I like both Classic-Cata and DF-TWW systems but for different reasons.