I Miss TBC: Classic

make 2 of each a TBC era and Wrath era servers it’s a win win for those that prefer those points in the game.


Vanilla, TBC and WOTLK need era servers. By far the most popular versions of the game.
Just seems like a no brainer. I dont understand why anyone would be so dead set against this. You couldnt pay me to play any expansion after MOP but i wouldnt jump on the forums and complain if they were going to open a couple BFA era servers. I just wouldn’t play them lol


I don’t think any players are against it. It’s just a question as to whether or not it is profitable for the company. If this plan makes more money than not doing it then that’s the way they will go.

i love tbc. as a mage, love my water pet. as shadow priest, love the mana machine. love the 2 new races, the bosses, the mounts, the reps, the fact enchants carry over (in retail, enchants are a mess), karazhan is funnest raid in the game, the new zones, the expansiveness of it and how you could go back to azeroth in tbc gear and help your guildies get to outlands.

and the music


TBC sucked, the fact you had to crutch on a bunch of shamans was lame a f and the perfect raid comp helped so much

it was a crap expansion overall with a bunch of “oh it was too easy eh” mentality to punish the playerbase

pvp was boring, arena was boring, raids were boring except for karazan

TBC kinda sucked

the new races, zones and upgrades to paladins, druids , shadowpriests, mages and locks, were fantastic. the new music, dungeons and raids were awesome. the changes to debuffs, also welcome. tbc enchanting and tailoring, awesome. the new mounts, wonderful.

did you ever do the questline to unlock black temple? ring of blood in nagrand? ever get to exalted with the ogres in blade’s edge or ethereals in netherstorm? own any netherdrakes?


So those that want a dedicated BC server, what version are you playing now? I’m struggling to find a version of the game I really enjoy. :frowning:

everything. era, sod, hardcore, wrath and retail. lol my fav is currently retail but if we had tbc, it’d be tbc, hands down. i level all my retail chars thru timewalking tbc. :sparkling_heart:


I try to play retail every now and then and just struggle to enjoy it. I might try SoD again, but wasn’t really hyped on it when I was playing it. Ugh, the struggle lol I just want BC!


on retail, just go talk to chromie at level ten and select outlands as your timeline. its gonna be lonely but the aesthetics are great

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yeah and it was lame a f, if i wanted to RP 180 hours of bs i would play FF online

huh? not sure rp is a main feature of wow at all. and tbc has less exposition than vanilla. mayhaps you forget the onyxia quest chain. lol

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Lazy people not wanting to attune.

can’t have wow without people gatekeeping their self-confidence

who cares about attunements? they are antiquated and dumb, we are 14 anymore, people dont have all day to play

get a job, you’ll see

Yeah you sure are 14. Don’t play MMO’s if you can’t manage your work/life, mobile games on the subway are the way to go, you’re wasting your precious minutes writing to me! back to work wagie!

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I mean keep gatekeeping and using WoW as your personal self-confidence, while vying to lock people with less free time than you out.

it is a video game bud, not your value to be associated with your self-worth just because you “have” and other people “have not”.

Might want to get some perspective in your life, or find value in other things if things you accomplish in WoW are your pinnacle of self-esteem boost, especially something as pedantic as attunements.

Just glad blizzard got privy and is on the same side as me, attunements were a waste of time.

I’m playing Wrath Classic and Retail. I tried Warcraft Orcs & Humans, Classic Vanillia and Classic Sod. It was fun to see what they were like and how they played but they were a bit too limited in their game playing interface.

The big thing is that by Wrath they were putting the location of quests on the large and mini maps. In Classic they didn’t, you had to go search for the location based on what they said which I didn’t find fun.

I totally agree with this statement and that is why I would love a TBC server. I’d like to play the game without worrying about completing things on a timeline. One permanent TBC server and let us play in a leisurely way if we want.

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i do too man so bad

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Dang man, you tagged almost every issue I had with TBC as well…