I Miss TBC: Classic

Yeah I know people got bored of it quickly, but I still think it deserved it’s own permanent era server. Probably an unpopular opinion though.


Would say it would need some changes like the ones we got in wrath classic to stay valid.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing the raid/dungeon content be made harder, or them adding in say higher difficulty tiers to the raids. With the average player skill now a days content from back then is kind of a snooze fest. But while I started playing wow in OG Vanilla, I always felt that TBC was superior in terms of gameplay, and Wrath was superior in terms of story.


I mean pre-nerf and post nerf raids being both in would be fun to try say pre-nerf t5 with swp gear and maybe add something like an infinity use spellpower and melee haste potion, and maybe a much much longer pre-patch where tbc talents and races in vanilla for as long as it takes to get things added correctly. But that’s just a theory.

I am one of those people who advocates for tbc-talents as the build that should be used for vanilla plus because there are alot more raiding slots.

I wonder how it’d work if you took vanilla and the level 60 level cap and just added the TBC content, scaled to match level 60, into the game.


Not probably. Definitely

TBC was total garbage and would need serious tweaks to work on Era.
Good luck finding all those shamans, and no RDF will be a killer.

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What makes TBC so bad compared to Vanilla or Wotlk?

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I started in TBC and really thought they were going to have the same cloned character for TBC classic…wasn’t really happy they decided they were not gonna do that…if they don’t for Wrath I’m guess a lot of players are gonna just stay with Classic era and that’s it.
I’ve seen several guilds announce ICC is the end of their guild so we’ll see.


Rumor’s of something like that happening in the future as a Classic plus…all speculation and “Leaks” atm

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all we need is 1-2 era servers for tbc. its an amazing xpac that has a good contrast of vanilla and qol changes. i miss it so much

  1. Killing the group buffs making them raid wide would help TBC.
  2. Nerf Warrior / hunter scaling.
  3. Nerf all forms of AE damage and its scaling by 40%
  4. Eliminate RNG resist on CC’s

TBC is now basically perfect

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I mostly dislike TBC but agree they deserve an era server.


Probably if there is enough demand. Personally I never really liked it, played the original and classic just because friends were playing it.

It’s the middle child. In original WoW, TBC was way more popular than Vanilla was, but less popular then Wrath. This time around it was the least popular of the two.

I mean more so.
1 Pre and post nerf raid versions on a seporate lockout, except for za.
2 wow token because it might be needed to convince people to make tbc and some will want to speed buy glaives.
3 maybe add strand of ancients/isle, eots isn’t as good as later battlegrounds or the earlier bg or any bg.
4 brewfest
5 have s4 gear be buyable eventually with honor+marks in an eventual s6 still set in tbc
6 maybe add a infinite use haste/sp potion to annoy bots.

As for raid wide buffs might not be a good idea as you would probably have to get 1 of each spec plus maybe 2 enhancements for agi+str on one and stoneskin+wf on the other. Just so long as they do not do wrath talents in tbc as unlike tbc talents in vanilla the wrath talents have too little difference between classes.

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Lol at the jther responder positing popularity as the reason.

Anywho the reason is all the Retail elements. BC did still retain a bit of Classic design with danger in the questing and profs being useful and similar design elements, but ultimately it was a heavy step toward Retail with high convenience, standardization, etc.

Doesn’t mean even we Classic Andys don’t occasionally want to eat at McWoW, though.


I must be one of the minority who liked TBC.


Im surprised about all the shade TBC gets. Its not my favorite either, but it has the oldschool charm of vanilla only with more complete classes and impoved talent trees… so i think its still pretty solid. I do think flying mounts are a detriment, though, from a world pvp perspective.


i agree with everything u said but,

maybe disable on pvp servers and enable them on pve servers? its really chill to fly around and mine/herb late at night when no one is on. outland landscape is terrible, (the zones are amazing i love them) but, just having a ground mount would be bad imo

TBC was never Classic. It’s retail’s first in a long line of trash expanaions.