I Miss TBC: Classic

well the hybrid tax didnt justify having specs /classes who were not brought to raids.
flying to get away from world pvp was certainly no worse than infinite sheep, a class with 3 different fear spells each with their own diminshing returns, naxx epics that were so overpowered they were still best in slot for most of the next expac, having so few debuff slots, most classes with debuffs couldnt use them in raids. dungeons that were so long, it might take a month to finish …if you could finish. and etc

In hindsight going through classic up to when the token was added in wotlk…TBC was the best iteration of wow


I think TBC was more popular bc i quit when the token was added and I’m all that mattered lolol. For real though sunwell patch was the pinnacle of wow. That patch right there is what garnered and prepped the most people to play


Plus the fact that WoW 1 WoW TBC and WoW WoTLK all followed directly from Illidan and Arthas storyline as well as many other characters from the original RTS games that they came out with. Deathwing was barely even a character in the original Warcrafts.

Era servers are barely functional, if you split their population further with eras of each expansion then nothing will be functional. You will only have dead servers.

i think you’re wrong. logged in and within 5 minutes was running a deadmines at level with a full group, also at level

He probably is wrong. I don’t even play Era, and I am sure many of the people that want a TBC server aren’t even on Era. The people that love Era aren’t going anywhere. The people that are being forced to move to Cata are the ones looking for a TBC server.

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RDF should be in all versions of classic.

After playing SoD, and staring at LFG/Bulletin Board, it’s just so exhausting when comparing

leatherworking drums
mongoose enchant
executioner enchant
mage tables
water pets
summon felguard
heroic presence (draenei racial passive group wide buff)
spiritual attunement
righteous defense
tree form



I want it back too


I agree. TBC should still exist. You can’t be choosy with what xpacs to have as classic or not. It’s either all of them or none of them.

Personally, I feel there is no reason whatsoever to have any classic realm and that Vanilla content should be part of retail (make it a toggle, where you talk to a bronze dragon to switch between old world (vanilla) and new world (cata) lower level content/zones.

So at the very least, only Vanilla content should be a classic realm, since its not part of retail. However, EVERY EXPANSION EVER MADE is already part of Retail WOW and can be played at any time. So theres no need for classic realms for xpacs.

What would be great is that if classic realms were only the expansions or vanilla, as they were when live on retail. But each has had hundreds of tweaks, adjustments and changes so they are nothing like the original version and completely destroys the whole point of creating them as classic realms.

Every day, they spend time and money on classic realms for no reason.

If someone wants to play WOW, they play Retail. Or if there was a real Vanilla classic, they could play that. Both separate to never coexist as one game. That is fine.

If they don’t want to play either, then they just shouldn’t play.

Devs should do what they did for plunderstorm. They have an idea and they make something great. Don’t ask the community and you only get feedback from .001% of the community, so what they say does not represent the majority of us. Just stick to the original ideas and if players have an issue with it then too bad.

WOW used to be a game where each character was its own unique adventure. And then you made alts so easy to level people think its normal to have twenty level 70 characters all doing the same exact content. This is not good.

I hope the devs get control of things and stop the nonsense with these classic realms before its too late.


well i do my retail timewalking in outlands, and its really differemt in retail. the music, graphics and dungeon names are the same, and quests are mostly the same, but you outlevel it well before most of the zones are finished, and big group quests dont exist or are so nerfed, they are usually soloable. also the raids are soloable as soon as you ding 60

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I miss it too!


me too. we miss tbc!


Me, as well as thousands of others are hoping for an unchanged permanent Era BC server Just like vanilla and I know we will miss Wrath when it’s gone too.