I Miss TBC: Classic

thankfully its not considered classic. i wouldnt want to be roped in with that garbage XD

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I mean some areas might be better I think world pvp over the terocar towers given flying up to fight an ele or chicken on the tower was annoying.

I miss it too. TBC was so fun.


The thing is, it doesn’t, at least for me. From the top of my head…

  • Unless you were a hardcore raider in Vanilla, as soon you stepped into Outlands you’ll start gearing up like crazy, every drop is an upgrade, even greens.
  • Dungeons were done fast and quickly, even heroics after a while; badges were a thing and the epic state of items became meaningless.
  • Tons of quests were being changed from elite to normal, and most quests in Outlands were ridiculously easy.
  • Flying killed the life of the world.
  • Arenas became a thing. Probably the worst addition to WoW ever.
  • The setting became too weird and disconnected from Azeroth, especially in zones like Netherstorm.
  • All specs got buffed to the point of losing their identity. The hybrid tax slowly began to disappear.

There’s more, but that’s how I felt it. I played TBC Classic and got bored really quickly, it felt like an even crappier retail. WotLK was worse, and that was the one I had the most nostalgia for.

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posting for a bump

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I know this is a necro, but it’s my old thread, and it’s better than just making a new one. So I’m necroing it.

While flying mounts did hurt spontaneous world PvP and whatnot a little bit in TBC, it really wasn’t that bad, not compared to Wrath or Cata or anything like that. In TBC you still had plenty of spontaneous PvP happening, even with flying mounts. Random brawls between competing skinners in Nagrand? Check. Two of you want that same Fire Elemental for the mote? Well one of you are gonna have to die for it. Your group/raid got to Serpentshrine Caverns later than the other faction group did? Time to fight over control of the lobby.

Point is flying in TBC didn’t kill random world PvP. World PvP really didn’t die until Wrath, and the final nail in the coffin happened in Cata when they allowed flying in the old world. Plus, flying made sense in TBC since most of Outlands was shattered. You needed flying to do TK stuff.

Then of course you had The Shattered Sun Offensive area. That was both the best and worst thing Blizzard ever added to WoW imo. You weren’t allowed to fly there, so world PvP was still organic. It was a small enough island so if you did die you weren’t spending 30 minutes running back to your body(I’m looking at you, Barrens as an Alliance player). Everyone was there because that’s not only where you went to farm gold on a daily basis for those less professionally inclined, but it’s where you got your final tier pieces and offset items.

And as someone who played wow since OG vanilla, TBC has some of the most Iconic zones in the entire game. Tell me, what’s located in the cave on the bottom section of the Ashenvale zone? What enemies specifically? Where exactly IS, without looking it up, Mankrik’s wife? Likewise, tell me also what event takes place without looking it up, in the north-western corner of Nagrand? What enemy type is typically found in the giant purple bubble areas in Netherstorm?



TBC killed World of Warcraft and WotLK defiled its corpse.

The first falsely so called expansion…

…traded 2 massive continents for 7 ugly zones
…introduced too much sci-fi too early
…forever destroyed the lore (Blood Elves in the Horde)
…killed faction identity (neutral city, paladins and shamans on both sides)
…removed open world gameplay with flying

Im sure i missed a few points, but it is undeniable that TBC took away more from the base game than it added. It is not an expansion.

WotLK may have partly returned the game to a more grounded fantasy setting, but followed the same lazy “expansion” formula they cooked up and did nothing to fix the massive mistakes made with TBC, rather made them worse. Because TBC is the killer, WotLK doesnt even need to be discussed.

World of Warcraft has no expansions.

The nice thing about choice is that if you don’t like a thing, you don’t have to play it, but if you do like a thing, then you can play it.

A TBC (and WotLK) Era server for those who want to be there doesn’t take away from the versions of WoW you do want to play. Let folks have their thing.

I mean… that’s fair :slight_smile:


People did not get bored of TBC, and it was not bad, or worse than people remembered, or any of the other stuff people are saying about it. People didn’t play TBC because the boosters, GDKP, gold sellers, and bots were RAMPANT. Worse than any other version of wow ever has seen. It made the game nigh unenjoyable for most players, and Blizzard absolutely REFUSED to do anything about any of it. So, people quit playing. MANY, MANY people were upset when they found out that Blizz wasn’t leaving a TBC server , and many still are. Look at the forums, there are a ton of posts asking for it. The idea that people weren’t playing it because it was bad, is a total misconception.


No its literally what killed the game and the natural first step on the road down to shadowlands.

All my points listed arent opinion

Then why do so many players prefer TBC or other versions to Era? Don’t be so uptight over the choices of others.

Enjoy Era. It is a great game. For me though, TBC is a superior experience.


No, TBC wasn’t bad. It was a lot simpler than people remembered it being in their minds. Especially the streamers. Before TBC:C was even announced, halfway through classic vanilla’s lifespan(I mean when it was the only version of classic), the streamers and youtubers and other content creators kept making videos talking about how great classic was, but how much better TBC was going to be. Video upon video was made of streamers reminiscing about how hard their old guilds back in the day struggled in SSC, or how Gorefiend used to break guilds, etc., etc… Hell, how many people got hyped off of MadSeasonShow’s video series on TBC? How many people got hyped watching Asmongold WATCH MadSeasonShow’s videos on TBC?

Then when TBC:C finally came out the streamers were through basically everything the expansion had to offer in like a month or two. And then Asmongold moved on to other things and all the sheeple streamers started parroting Asmongold and saying TBC:C sucked and it was a bad game. I don’t even think Asmongold said TBC:C was bad at the start. I think he initially just said it got boring because he blew through it too fast, and cited part of that was because of all his streamer privileges with people giving him vast amounts of gold, him going somewhere and everything in the zone being wiped out by the sycophants that call themselves his viewers, and the fact that the content was just easier than he made it up to be in his mind just kinda left him disappointed. It wasn’t until much later and the opinion of TBC:C being “bad” became a popular thing among streamers and youtubers and their viewers that Asmongold started calling it bad also. He is nothing if not a slave to his viewers.

So TBC:C wasn’t “bad” it was just over quickly, and then people started the cycle all over again for Wrath.


The only reasons i can see for someone to make the claim that the falsely so called expansion stands above Classic is that they started during TBC and therefor never experienced what the game lost with its release. Or that they just really like blood elves and put that selfish want over lore/faction identity. Or well… they just arent very smart.

TBC objectively and permanently harmed the world, butchered the gameplay and dumbed the game down, putting it on the lazy expansion formula track that it still follows today.

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I didn’t really enjoy TBC Classic like I thought I would, but I still agree.


A post made by someone who legitimately doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Which streamer did you get this opinion from? Because it’s wrong. Here’s a list of things, just off the top of my head, that made TBC better than Vanilla:

Leveling Was Made Better
Professions Were Made Better
Earning Gold Was Made Better
Guild Management Was Made Better
Guilds Overall Were Made Better
Events Were Made Better
Having A Central Hub Made Things Better
Reputation Rewards Were Made Better

The list goes on and on.

And you think the new races ruined the lore? The Draenei joining the Alliance and the Blood Elves joining the Horde were set up in WarCraft 3. So you legitimately don’t know what you’re talking about. And raids and dungeons were made more intricate and involved than Vanilla dungeons and raids. I’m sorry but Molten Core is NOT hard. Naxxramas is NOT hard. If you think it is then you’re just not good at the game.


I think it’s a bit of a misguided endeavour to get into a debate as to whether or not TBC was better, or worse. It’s irrelevant. A lot of folks really enjoyed it and that’s all there is to it.

Just let folks play the version of the game they want to.


Asmongold in his more recent videos even moreso than pre-Classic, praises TBC. In fact he’s probably one of the few big names that say that (but I’ve seen quite a few smaller channels say the same). I’m not sure if he ever said anything negative during TBC but his opinion generally seems to be positive.

Don’t waste your time with him. I responded to him with a refutation on another thread and it didn’t deter him from copy and pasting it here.

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When Asmongold stopped playing TBC and started playing other stuff, before he just became a fully dedicated react streamer made the statements I mentioned about TBC:C. And his personal views of TBC might be high, but he’ll say it sucked on occasion because that’s what his chat wants to hear. Though I don’t think his chat realizes that they’re the reason why he thought it sucked.

They were never comments big enough to warrant their own clipped videos on the millions of youtube channels dedicated to mooching off his fame or anything like that, they were just one offs and here and there’s.

It is a large amount of players that want TBC. Just look for the threads. There is a lot of interest.


You can play those zones in Classic Wrath. In thant case is there somthing in particular that would be missing?