I miss deterministic gearing. Bellular nails it

I don’t really think a discussion is always necessary though so that’s okay. Sometimes people just need exposure to an alternative perspective to shift them out of their mental rut.

“There’s some good points hidden in your posts, but sadly you’re far too antagonistic to make a decent discussion out of them. :confused:” This part of your post makes that pretty clear to me that this communication isn’t ineffective. It’s not like you don’t see the good points even if you don’t discuss them.

Okay, I’m sorry for your loss.

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Hey, we all change, it seems.

This doesn’t exactly feel like ‘communication’ to me. More forcing a point on another because you want to ‘win’ the thread.

That’s what the whole /thread thing means. To attempt to sum up an entire thread and render the discussion ‘over’ - but it’s clearly not, because people still disagree with you.

I agree that sometimes, some people really do need a point hammered into their head, but you’re not even making an attempt to discuss, or even understand the other viewpoint. You’re as stuck in your rut as you proclaim the ‘other side’ to be (despite the fact that a discussion like this has more than two sides).

There are some things WoW does better now, and some it did better in the past. Some of us would like to see a return to compromise - some of the quality of life changes made recently were genuinely to the game’s benefit, there are even some major class changes I’m a huge fan of, but to simply accept change for the sake of change as a move in the right direction is foolish, honestly.

I refuse to believe someone’s merely trying to get a rise out of people at first glance, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, but your constant attempts to shoot people down with catch-phrases don’t help your case.


I feel like Hardlybad is probably a Bernie Bro. Not to bring in politics, just the attitude I have experienced with people labeled that.

… I support the man myself, there’s hardly an overlap between people who support a politician and people who have a viewpoint in a game.

People in real life deserve equal opportunity - but in a game, fighting to earn your keep is half the fun. I play as an evil, capitalistic nightmare in strategy games, but that doesn’t mean I want to be one in the real.

Reward structures are important to a game, because you don’t truly suffer in a game if you don’t manage to make ends meet.


I was just commenting on the attitude that a fringe group of people seem to inhibit when talking to others. That group is known for their condescending tones and trying to shut people down without letting an opposition have merit within a conversation.

You can apply that broad label to any group if you take enough time to cherry pick the right quotes. You’re adding nothing to actual discussion here by making random, baseless political jabs in a thread about video game mechanics. It’s just antagonistic for the sake of it.


Honestly I’d be happy if they limited options that rely on RNG, and kept the systems a bit more reasonable. Say corruption didn’t have 51 affixes and 3 ranks but just 1 rank which scaled off ilevel and half those affixes. Maybe you have essences still but instead have 2 ranks instead of 3 and more options to get each one.

So if anything, if they keep going with this number of systems to keep things fresh I just hope they make it less of a grind, and give us more options in how to obtain items. Also, they could back off the rep grind requirements for a lot of stuff that’d be great.

People didn’t quit after they got BIS. Maybe they kept raiding because it was fun to do with their mates. Or maybe they ran on their alts. Or maybe they concentrated on PvP. Maybe they did quit raiding but people didn’t quit the game when they got BIS. And what would Blizzard care if they chose to raid or not?

This shows people weren’t quitting the game after they got BIS: https://i.imgur.com/EB2Tzyh.png


What a load of horse manure. I’m not a Hardlybad fan, in fact I’m ignoring him at this point. But jumping to conclusions and bringing politics in a conversation where it most certainly doesn’t belong is ridiculous.

Stop it.


Doesn’t actually show much of anything other than arbitrary active sub numbers. Once you remove RMT/bot accounts and people with multiple accounts, etc., you get a smaller number in subs. This is also done via yearly breakdown when people have come and go between patches for quite a while now. (i.e., monthly)

In a nutshell, it’s vague.

I explained a group of people associated with that attitude for relevance. Dont get upset. I didn’t label anybody in particular, I did not name any names other than the one, unless you, yourself, identify as one of those people.

Don’t get mad because I labeled a group? Sometimes you don’t have to be part of “that group” to know it’s not civil to bad mouth a group. Courtesy - it can go a long way.

It doesn’t show a decrease in subs towards the end of the xpac. During the golden age of WoW it shows there wasn’t a decrease in subs at all.

You’re saying that the reason Blizzard changed things is because people stopped raiding when they got BIS is based on . . . nothing. Subs increased or stayed steady. Only when Cata hit did subs decline throughout the expansion - except for the very end. And take a look at that cliff dive at the beginning of WoD . . .

Players don’t leave when they get BIS if there’s end game content; if the xpac is alt friendly and if the PvP is good. They didn’t and they still wouldn’t.

The reason, and the ONLY reason, that gearing has changed is because it saves resources. That’s it. Creating multiple tier sets as well as multiple sets of dungeon gear for so many classes and specs is not cost effective. And it takes work and thought. Blizzard is committed to putting out the least amount of game for the least amount of money for the maximum amount of profit.

That’s all there is to it. And that’s why it won’t change.


This is the only mmo you’ve played before isn’t it?
People leave all the time once they hit the end of content, it’s been an industry trend for mmos for years now.

Bellular’s vid was a good watch. He gets it.

Dear Blizzard: You already have a fast based ARPG in diablo. Stop trying to make WoW one and return the game to a slower, more immerse world we can have adventures in.

The market you’re chasing has MUCH better options with FAR better balancing. The more you bend WoW in that direction the higher the chance it’ll eventually break.


You are very bad at reading people.

Of course people come and go, and not just because they get BIS. The blanket statement that people leave when they get BIS is patently untrue. Look at the graph. WoW continued to gain subs or hold steady for over 6 years. And yet you claim that all these people with BIS left? Where does it show that? It doesn’t.

It wasn’t until Cata hit that the sub numbers dropped, and the biggest dip was towards the beginning of the xpac. That sure wasn’t due to people getting BIS.

It doesn’t take a lot of brain power to figure out that people will continue to play if they’re having fun. They’ll gear up alts. They’ll PvP. They’ll farm achievements or mounts.

If players love the game and are having fun, why would they leave?

Show me the numbers where people left when BT was cleared, or Sunwell, or Naxx or ICC. Go ahead. Show me this “trend.” I want to see the numbers.

You can’t. All you can do is snip about how many MMO’s people have played.

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You’re quite hilarious if you think people just stuck around doing the same thing over and over again after clearing raids. But hey, you’e looking at an arbitrary graph and assuming you know why people left, without actually talking to those people, so not actually surprised.

The trend is right in front of you, look at the explosive growth of the MMO genre in the last ten years, we went from a handful of MMOs with WoW as king of the hill to several viable contenders. You can check out any mmo on the market (playing 4 different ones myself right now) and in all of them you’ll find people who come from WoW and play when content dries up in WoW.

I don’t need numbers to show the trend, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention. It’s obvious to any who bother to look at the number of companies investing in the genre, new IPs releasing like clockwork, new IPs being fleshed out to offer different experiences for different players to suit their playstyles.

But sure, let’s go with your argument.

As for people leaving when they get BiS, you really should pay more attention to the people around you, get out more, experience different games, different communities. Because your assumption that this isn’t a reason people dip from a game inbetween patches is absolutely hilarious.

You are right.