I Miss Classic 2019

You have ruined this joke.


I totally agree and have no interest in cheating either.



Maybe we will have to wait for Microsoft to actually do something about Bots and GDKPs. God knows you don’t give a flying f about your own game to prevent cancerous Bots from ruining it.

I miss Classic 2004.


Meh… I’ll probably wait 5 years or so. If they launch again, I i might play.


Yea it was cool.

But if you eat to much candy it can make you poop.

As fun as it would be I highly doubt blizzard would put money into the project that is unless they released a classic +.

They still haven’t gotten the deal yet it’s still being battled in the courts.

I was in a “rush for 60, get in MC” guild for 2019 classic, yes by choice.
…and it did spoil some of the nostalgic fun that I came back to the game for.

Now in era, I’m just taking it slow, no pressure. Feels good.


You’re welcome :two_hearts:

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Likewise, in a guild for 2019 reboot that was rush rush to 60 for mc. I still had a good time but I don’t want to poopsock it for a couple of months yet again. I love the idea of locking levels on the way up. If you want an atmosphere that is conducive to new players, locking levels at certain intervals is great.

Rushing classic leveling just to get into mc again? Really…let the world develop. Let new blood get infused in classic. Make alts. Lets the world pvp grow. Let tarren mill vs southshore grow some legs…these are some of the better memories from classic we dont get to experience in a min/max “watch my numbers” culture. To me that is pure feces.

You want to talk about feces Chuck? Poopsocking it to MC is a sandwich that takes out all the dressings/variety and slaps in there a big turd. Do not go anywhere except the most optimized route to MC. Good lord that sounds horrible. Especially in a game where there is an actual world to traverse. You remove everything interesting with a short life cycle. Everything gets optimized. And you are left with feeling rushed to finish the game in a real darn hurry. Why rush your fun?

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What if you die before then?

Meh, my retirement will go to my wife and kid.

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You misunderstand what I was getting at, so I’ll clarify it for you. It also has nothing to do with raid lockouts. It however does have something to do with how players were doing dungeon groups. Gatekeeping players because of class and/or spec over another. For what, AoE pulling? staying in a dungeon longer than x amount of time?

Again, players playing classic and only classic forget that the game was designed to be causal at best. Not a grinding sim for BiS.

you nailed it brother


Never happened to me because it is very easy to just make your own groups. There is even a nifty tool in the game to help with it.

Try this and maybe you wont have issues with gatekeeping anymore.


Agreed, that and the release of Shadowlands, which was intentional of course. They just wanted classic as a way to boost subscribers until their next retail project was hyped up and released, and that’s what happened.

I think they also tried to convince people who were really into the original game that retail was going to be like that again (level cap change to 60, etc), but, uh, it basically just ruined the release of Naxx for us “normal” folks. The only guilds I know that survived Shadowlands’ release to continue Naxxramas progression were the “hardcore” guilds. I guess I should’ve tried to get into one when I had the chance.

I’m not sure if there’s ever a way to keep the spirit of vanilla without min/maxers showing up but I would think as long as WotlK (everything pre nerf) is going and maybe Cata, then maybe just maybe those toxic peeps will stay there and more of us that just want to have fun can stay/move to classic.

My wife and I just made new characters on Classic and I’m shocked by just how many people are there! I used to be in a hardcore raiding guild back in 2019 classic with my main.
By far the most fun I had was pugging on this alt because it was so chill, everyone was having fun with 40 people and the content was easy so it supported the chill atmosphere.
My main just burned me out so for Wotlk I decided to only pug since it’d be friendly to my wife as a new player but as we all know pugging will never produce good parses since that crappy system is so reliant on kill time and it encourages you to be greedy by only DPSing certain mobs and ignoring others just because a few bad apples abused their damage to get the parse.

Anyways definitely would love to see a fresh classic server where the majority of toxic players stay far away. I miss that magic man. Just want to log in to do some dungeons and pug some raids with some chill peeps!


Sounds like a lot of complaining about people that are good at the game wanting to play with other people that are good at the game. Don’t like Min/Max, Hit Rating Requirements, World Buff Requirements, consumable requirements, etc don’t Raid past MC and definitely stay out of AQ 40 and Naxx. When you have a guild with 50+ active players there must be bars set to decide who your final 40 are. “Casual Fun” is not something that needs to be accommodated because that 20 minute run back from the graveyard isn’t fun for anyone else. For any of you complaining, I suggest you start your own guild and see how progression goes without any discipline or expectations.


It’s a twenty year old game, it should be casual fun. Go play your mythic rubbish and parse your heart out.