I Miss Classic 2019

Your missing the point. You need at least 35 try-hard players to make it through AQ-40 and Naxx. That means every guild can only carry roughly five “Casual Fun” players. Hand holding only goes so far in Classic and you hit that wall typically in BWL / AQ 40 depending on how “casual” the player is. I’m going to continue playing Classic and will continue playing with disciplined thoughtful players. You feel free to play with who you’d like but nobody has to deal with you personally if they don’t want to.


Never asked you to deal with me or anyone else, uptight elf.

Have you read the other comments on this post? Have you read your own posts? You literally told me to go do M+ instead of playing classic because you don’t like people who do there best or guilds that expect it. So if you’re not expecting people to hold your hand why do you care what expectations top guilds have?

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Play Classic Menu Theme


Not at all. I suggested you seek your parse culture there. Never told you not to play Classic. You can’t expect everyone to be on board with your play style in a twenty year old game.

Adding this. The instances you claim to be so extreme that people must be mega disciplined to play have been beaten by folks who haven’t done any of you min max parse culture rubbish. Classic isn’t as difficult as you’re making it out to be.

Popping a flask and consumes, getting world buffs, knowing fights and pre-raid bis are all reasonable expectations. This isn’t where toxicity comes in btw. You don’t need gatekeepers expecting perfect logs because they don’t understand what all goes into parsing and just look at a number from 0-100 to determine you as a player. There are SO many more factors that go into it.
Your uptime while maintaining threat.
The parse rules for mobs that probably over half of the player base doesn’t know/care for because guess what, those mobs that don’t count still need to be taken care of.
Kill times.
Almost every pug I went into in 2019 classic from BWL and up specifically told you to consume, show up for world buffs, and explained the “more complex” fights from an assignment point of view all went pretty damn smooth.
I think we can all agree the difficulty wasn’t as high as it was hyped up to be, therefore more pugs were successful.
A lot of the time the community’s requirements are greater than what actually is required.


I don’t have any expectations for you. Nor did I say you had to Min/Max or join a guild that requires it. I’m fascinated by your anger and resentment over the issue though. I have no difficulty finding disciplined guilds in either retail or classic and never have. So I have no reason to switch to retail for a disciplined guild because there is no shortage of them in Classic. So again why do you care if guilds have expectations you’re unable or unwilling to meet?


As someone who has raided retail I find classic min/maxing fun and relaxing…casual even…

Sorry I dont find it fun to listen to open mics and wipe on effing garr lol. I like to chat with gamers and push content because thats fun for me. Stop acting like people need to suck intentionally to have fun. Its one of the dumbest arguments. People can play casually and still be much better than you.


Coool, and you also have the ability to make it harder. No buffs, no flask etc. you don’t need to remove world buffs to achieve this.

Did you not read the rest? :clown_face:

In my mind a casual is someone who is time limited. “Playing casually” Are we implying that a casual is a person who stinks at the game now?

Of course they can, limited game time doesn’t mean you suck.

Tired of people wanting to change things when they have the option to ignore those things.

Do you think I am advocating for any changes here? How did you re-read that and then still post this lol.

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Blizzard: I put your nostalgic in your nostalgic so you can more nostalgic. Or whatever that meme was.

Nope, we’re on the same page. The last line wasn’t directed at you, it’s a generalization. Could have probably worded it better.

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just put in world buffs noobs. if you are so good at the gam,e play withoput them because you dont need a crutch.

In reality this isnt the case tho, you sont want world buffa because you arent good enough to perform at peak and know youll be kicked from a wbuff guild because you are not as stellar as you believe yourself to be.

Most anti wbuff people are humans

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Ngl when I played classic relaunch I couldn’t stop. I got caught up with the “sweaties” doing all the exploits at the time to hit 60 before they were patched : Raiding Scarlet Monastery, Torch Runs in BRD…etc I took it slow on my Warlock though and that was a lot of fun as well feeling like a God amongst men versus everyone except a good rogue.

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I would rather have a two or three year cycle. One year is too fast to savor Classic.


“Ladies and gentlemen. This might very well be the end of the world… of warcraft.”

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FRESH 2019 was baller!!


Fresh 2019 Classic No Changes When?