I want to play Classic 2019. From square one, with a bunch of people, early patch phase, (with old vanilla models? ); i just want it again…
how hard is it to just re-release Classic 2019? Its right there–its so close.
Anyway… Fresh Hype!
I want to play Classic 2019. From square one, with a bunch of people, early patch phase, (with old vanilla models? ); i just want it again…
how hard is it to just re-release Classic 2019? Its right there–its so close.
Anyway… Fresh Hype!
Keep posting here, keep bumping other posts asking for Classic Era fresh. Start a petition and Ill help spread it.
Comment on my thread to keep it relevant
Same bro, but without world buffs this time.
Same. WOTLK doesn’t do it for me nor does retail. Unsubbed until a Class re release. I really just love the leveling experience and PVP. PVP feels bad with resilience gear, it’s no fun.
we need bi yearly trilogy releases 2019 classic → TBC → wotlk
Progression to TBC is what ruined the first 2019 vanilla classic imo
Agreed. We just need fresh classic vanilla every year.
They can keep going on the progression servers up to current retail patch. Let vanilla enjoyers have a fresh every year.
I’m honestly thinking of going to a private server I’m so fed up with Blizzard at this point.
They constantly don’t do the most obvious thing people want because of their pride and inflated egos.
I’d be on board for that, if…
We had the option to jump off to Era before TBCC launched.
As much as i hated the late stages of classic, launch up until lvl 60 was one of the best gaming experiences ive had in a while.
It did capture some of the spirit of Vanilla…for a while. Eventually the ultra tryhard min/max culture took over.
Here’s my concern with a fresh Classic…the playerbase isn’t even what it was in 2019. Players will rush to max using any means at their disposal. Then it’s just a raid simulator again. And what a waste that is.
Which is why I keep saying they should do level caps. 1-19 for say a month. Then 20-29. So on and so forth. The 1-60 journey has so much content and so much to do. It’s such a shame for players to burn through it just to hit a wall at 60.
Players will actually be able to enjoy the journey and focus on fun rather than efficiency. Don’t have to worry about keeping up or falling behind. There’s all kinds of challenges and ‘world firsts’ that could exist for each bracket.
I would absolutely love that. Because otherwise it’s just a mad dash to 60 and we’re right back where we were before.
God no. Please refrain from suggesting this in the future.
We dont need massive gatekeeping like this in classic. Some of us just like to dump hours on occasion when we can. if that was gated by a hard level cap I simply would not play.
You can dump in whatever hours you want…
Except when im gatekept from filling the experience bar because you want me to what grind boars? What if I completed all the current quests and I’m just hardstuck at 19 waiting for you to allow me to hit 20?
How do you think capping the experience bar is good for anyone?
I have played through vanilla multiple times on both factions 1-60. You would be hard pressed to find a questline I havent read.
The last thing any MMO needs is for level brackets to be gatekept because you want people to go exploring when they just want to make numbers go up.
Vanilla was about the journey. This would create that experience.
Roll alts. Work on professions. Explore. Pvp. Run dungeons. There’s a ton to do.
To me that is what Vanilla is all about. Players didn’t rush to 60 back then. Most players never even hit max.
Otherwise people speed run to 60 and raid log. If that’s all you want you could play Classic Era. But a populated, vibrant leveling experience where players don’t feel compelled to skip the majority of the content just to keep up is what I’d prefer. That captures the essence of Vanilla.
And Blizz will never do it.
It does not do this at all because what you are talking about isnt anything set in stone. You are talking about creating a feeling by forcing level locks. This is terrible game design imho.
If thats what they want to do thats what they want to do. They can also:
Telling people they have to wait to do the MAJORITY of the game for some arbitrary amount of time because you think thats how it should be is again TERRIBLE.
To you maybe man, I think it sounds awful and I love vanilla. I wouldnt play whatever game you are talking about at all.
Remember when scarlet monestary became a horde capitol for like a month? That was great
I would play it.
And that’s fine, there are multiple modes of the game. You can find your niche elsewhere. You don’t have to play it.
classic relaunch 2019 was epic. lets do it again!!!
Bro aint no one playing that garbage idea. No one wants to be told they are not allowed to level.
I get there can be “meta” gaming at each and every level bracket. You could literally apply the same concept to EACH level. Why should you be allowed to reach level 2 today? Timmy cant play yet so you gotta stay at level one. Besides there is a questline you didnt read over there in another zone! Go experience that!
Forcing that slow down is one of the worst things you could put in an MMO. We all know the beta was fun being stuck at level 30. No one wants that in a live game. Good god you guys have terrible ideas sometimes.