I miss class specific gear sets

My only gripe about all the class sets in Legion was the Order Hall armor, which for literally every class I leveled was abominably terrible. I can’t think of a single one I even thought was “okay” whereas I know the Shaman, Warlock and Demon Hunter editions were some of the worst armor to ever come out of the game. At least the BC leveling “clown gear” had some neat-looking pieces when they were on their own. Class hall sets were just bad.

But returning to class- instead of armor-type-based sets would be grand, I don’t even mind if they do some blanket types (like the lower-tier PvP armor), but each class should have some identity, at least once per tier.

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Right? Have you seen the new sets from the new raid tier? Absolute trash…

Inb4 tier sets are an expansion feature in 9.0.

Also, Drougen is on a necroing rampage!

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I take it you’re bored with current discussions and needed some old ones? :wink:

Yeah, I mean as much as I love “HIGH ELF MEGA THREAD, DISAGREE AND GET BANNED!” or “OMFG I WANT WAWA STRIDER AND MOUNT EQUIPMENT!” some older threads get left behind but are still relevant.


Very fair! :+1:t2::blue_heart:

Yeah there was always something that made me crack up laughing when I’d google stuff for WoW and stumble over a 10+ year old thread and replied as if it were still relevant…

It’s a shame the new system wiped out all the old threads… :frowning:

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I wholeheartedly agree.

I was so excited for the class halls, but then I saw all the armor and all I could think was “did they even try?”.

Everything else about the class halls was awesome though.

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Same here, OP. Class sets for transmog was really the only reason I raided as much as I did (which wasn’t much). But now without that as a goal I couldn’t care less about raiding. I’ll just wait until I vastly out level the raids before I even think about going in to try and get the sets for trnsmog.

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Oh, so you report every transmog thread and claim that every transmog thread is breaking the rules, but here you go, look at what necro’ing a thread is?

I don’t report threads or people, I was just letting you know your thread had a specific area it belonged to.

Dude, you were the only one who had the problem with the thread being in General DIscussion. As soon as you posted in it, that is where the mass flagging came in. Anyways, I got the answer for you.

I’m sorry people realized you were being rude to someone who was just pointing out helpful information to you and decided to report your thread. :man_shrugging:

And what do you call entering a thread and completely derailing it?

Well, actually, now I am contradicting since I am doing it to this thread.


I just want Blizz to remake the Warrior Warbringer set like they did with the Onslaught set in Tomb.

That armor would look sick with updated textures.

As I stated I never had a problem with the thread, I was just pointing out that there’s a specific section it belongs to and to be careful because they have been reported in the past.

Sorry people saw what I was saying was true? :man_shrugging:

Also thank you for acknowledging I was right as per the blue even saying the thread would probably be moved if noticed. Was just trying to help you out. :man_shrugging:

I apparently missed something… but… maybe we can try not to derail this thread too much? I know I’m guilty of doing it too. It’s easy to want to clear things up from other places and get sidetracked.

But transmogs! We love transmogs! We all want more, right? :smiley:


Oh, so it takes an entire week of the thread being opened for it to become mass flagged. I highly doubt it. See, only a few options come to mind:

Considering on the actual timing of the mass flag, the main option is you’re the only one who flagged it, but also switched over to alts and repeated the flagged until it was mass flagged. Now I could be wrong, who knows, but it seem to fit in very well. You post in that thread first, “transmogs threads are not allowed in GD”, then after that, that is where the mass flagging come in.

But then some people also posted after you wondering why my thread was mass flagged. And considering a thread that is usually inappropiate or actual trolling are threads most people would mass flag in an instant, a rate the transmog thread is something GD wouldn’t ever mass flag.

Drougen isn’t the one known for doing such things. And it was an epidemic from a certain person for a while as some sort of prank. They’d find something and just flag it into oblivion for no good reason.

But transmog! We need moar! And good ones!

This expansion sucks for sets. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I did say I could be wrong as well.

I agree.