I miss BFA

If it wasn’t for the screwed up scaling on old content etc I would be happy. That is truly my biggest complaint.

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He literally replied to say that it’s due to removing the total amount of loot gained in M+… which is exactly what I said.

It will level out once you have higher item level, quote me on this.

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I agree with some of this. But also, you are comparing 2 year expansion to 5 weeks of Shadowlands. I just don’t think it’s fair.

Give it a year and then we may be able to actually do a proper comparison. More stuff is coming. But yes, M+ loot is annoying. I just pretend its normal.

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So you didn’t play BFA huh

Its the first time in years it feels good to get loot

Thank god

Good bonus rolls were garbage now lets get a badge system again


No my friend. Ion said multiple times they reduced loot because of war forged system removal.

More about this:


BFA had its good parts for sure, but are you mad?

The litany of problems it had did a very good job of tearing down every little advantage it had. I say this as someone who enjoyed BFA.

It was a good expansion that was consistently clawed down to its grave by horrible decisions and even more horrible systems. Maybe if not for them, I’d agree, but given they existed, hooooooo boy.

Not to mention blizzards excuse for this awful balancing is because theres an arena tournament soon… good to know to just unsub if the games broken with their esports coming up

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BfA got only 1 month from me, Shadowlands is already at 2. Shadowlands is at least better than BfA imo. But, I’ll see how much I enjoy it long term.

Previous to SL, the expansion hated most was Cataclysm. I have never said I missed Cataclysm.

I may, in the future, say some expansion is worse than SL, just as SL is worse than Cataclysm. That won’t mean I will miss SL.

Yeah, BFA was a dud for me. I’m loving Shadowlands. Best expansion I’ve played since MOP.


More info about loot scarcity and its relation with the WF/TF removal:


No Titanforging/Warforging. However, less loot will drop.


One of the things Ion mentions is that gear saturation played part of the problem in terms of the proliferation of Titanforged/Warforged style gear. That there was so much varied gear dropping between Mythic+ and Raiding and questing that you could easily be kitted out before you even finished a raid, and so Warforged and Titanforged gear essentially filled the excitement quotient for raid gear. You weren’t bored even though you already had gear in every slot, because the chance of a TF or WF drop would keep you interested. That does work, but it doesn’t hold its luster — and the devs are aware of that. The cure this time seems to be to remove TF/WF and to lower the amount of gear dropping, so that people don’t get geared up as fast.

BFA was an abortion from the moment it was announced. Getting shot in the head and left in a ditch is more fun than BFA. Ge out of her with this BFA is better than anything BS.

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This is how the ebb and flow goes. People swear the current expansion is crap while also swearing the last expansion was good, then when the new one comes out people swear THAT ones crap and the last one (which they complained about) was good. In 2 years everyone will swear shadowlands was good and that new expansion sucks. Ahhhh yes yes :] watched this flow for years

The issue is that expectation carried forward into a new expansion. Now people are thinking that they should have end-of-patch power because they have been shotgunning it for barely over a month.

It is a new EXPANSION. It is supposed to last half a year - eight months or so until the first big patch. Hell, people were complaining about Twisting Corridors being too hard when it is the challenge wing of Torghast that is meant to resemble mage towers / horrific visions in difficulty on the day it was released, when most people are still sub-200 ilvl.

The “I want it RIGHT NOW!” mentality of the player base is higher than it has ever been.

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I am personally loving SL. Yeah, the loot is scarce but I rather grind a dungeon or a raid boss over a few weeks over being spoon fed large amounts of loot that doesn’t feel rewarding. I understand some people don’t have a ton of time to play and the light loot drops are bad for the more casual player but I don’t really agree that games like WoW should cater to casual audiences. I think the time you put into the game should reflect in your character’s progress. The vault is a great way for loot options, covenants are a creative way to change the pace of play for your class, and I am enjoying the convenant campaign immensely. Since playing SL, I have a list of things to do every time I log on and I can’t say I had the same experience in BfA, coming from the perspective of a more hardcore player who had a lot of time on their hands. In BfA, I found myself just grinding away rio cause I got all my bis in one week. Progression feels smoother right now imo.

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I don’t miss BFA,

I had fun at times, but Shadowlands is far superior IMO. BFA’s Azerite and Titanforging was universally panned by this point in it’s lifecycle. The feedback was so negative that Blizz had to call audibles and add essences and corruption with later patches. I also far prefer getting less drops of gear that actually matters rather than getting lots of gear that I can’t use.

I also couldn’t stand how incredibly boring WQs were. There was no challenge to them. They basically consisted of players standing around for the NPC to spawn and then I had to make sure I got a hit in before it was dead again. To me that’s not playing a game.

Easy to get around? Only if you were alliance. Horde had that stupid pyramid you had to go up ,down and around before flying hit. I can’t tell you how many times I ran back forth all over that place trying to figure out where I was suppose to go. Not to mention our ship was ported WAAAAAY far away from where the main hub was. At least Oribos has everything right there and I’m only dealing with two floors. Plus everything is together in their own rooms and easy to find.

Shadowlands isn’t perfect. I also don’t like the timegating of the main storyline and I much prefer islands over torghast. But it’s still leaps and bounds better than BFA.


I also enjoyed BfA, just turns out I enjoy SL more.

You always felt like you were being rewarded for your efforts.

saves 24000 echoes

moving to your new house when Versatile 3 comes out, can’t log in for 3 days

wait an entire month to buy the items you need to be viable


“I miss (Insert something many MANY people didn’t like)”

Yeah we get it, you like things that no one else does. The people spoke early and they spoke loudly in BFA. The game was a GHOST TOWN 30 days after launch. Shadowlands is definitely faring better than BFA did.

Although it certainly wasn’t the answer to BFA that Legion was to WoD, it’s absolutely better than that disaster.

For the life of me I’ll never understand why they didn’t implement a PVP version of Warfronts. To me it’s a no brainer: Just cut out the trash NPCs and substitute players. Now it’s their job to protect or assault a base or protect general so and so from the enemy. It could have been epic. Big time missed opportunity there.

I enjoyed 8.2 and the new zones of Mechagon and Najatar. But 8.3 is when I started taking a break. I just couldn’t get into that corruption and cape nonsense.