I miss BFA

Not trolling.

BFA had its problems but in general I feel it was a much better expansion than Shadowlands.

BFA The Good Parts

  • You felt you were always being rewarded for your efforts. Item level and difficulty seemed correct. You would try to kill that boss again to try an extra roll.
  • What kept me playing BFA was how good Mythic+ felt. You were rewarded for doing that super difficult dungeon. You didn’t feel forced to do PvP or raid if you didn’t want to.
  • More zones/maps, they were mostly connected, felt more unique in visuals and story line.
  • Because dungeons are connected to the maps, they also felt more unique in its visuals and story line.
  • The cities were beautiful, non-symmetrical, less confusing.


  • Loot is scarce on purpose. You don’t feel rewarded for your efforts. Instead, you feel like Blizzard is just trying to slow you down so they can milk more money out of you. This is not a feeling I want to have as a player. Yes, this is how loot were in the past and that’s why they sucked. I thought Blizzard moved on to a much better place only to return to the crap it was before.
  • No warforged/titanforged gear. No extra loot rolls. I know a lot of people in the “community” asked for this but Blizzard shouldn’t have listened to them. They were wrong. The extra loot rolls and the warforged mechanism was good because as player you had an incentive to do more content. The way it is now you just have to do it and forget, either because the raid won’t drop the loot again or because you already got the item you need and you don’t want to bother doing that boss again.
  • Less maps, and they are not connected, when you fly you always have to return to Oribos instead of crossing to the other map. They all have similar stories about anima anima anima. Give me something different please.
  • Dungeons feel like a step down. They feel similar because there are less outdoor maps, so having 2 dungeons on the same map feels like there’s repetitive content, less unique. Again, share similar stories.
  • Oribos is just a step down. Boralus was asymetrical so it was easy to find stuff without having to open the map. You didn’t have to dismount just to talk to the profession NPC.

I agree with everything you said. BFA was superior in almost every way. it was FUN and Rewarding. SL just feels like a long nightmare and i’m logging in less and less.


You are forgetting corruption without vendors and then corruption on a rotation, the terrible RNG of only one item per week from the vault, worrying about which boss to use bonus roll on and having them cost a lot of war resources, gold, or honor, visions and how annoying they were, and worst of all the abundance of DH.


Out of all the expansions ever released, I though BFA was the worst, at least on release. It did get better after patches.

Shadowlands on release vs BFA on release? Shadowlands is hands down better, no contest.


Me too… I actually kinda enjoyed bfa.

At least I would log in. I get bored and log in. In SL I don’t even want to log in when there are things I can do… wtf is up with that.


I miss Twighlight Devastation :frowning:


If I was wearing that mog i would miss BFA also


As I said, BFA had its problems, which were fixed over time. So you’d expect that Blizzard would continue the good work from there (take lessons learned and improve it in the next expansion). It doesn’t feel like that to me. It feels like they just went back, erased the good things, and started all over again…


I wish I had a time machine so I could take all of these BFA love threads to GD a year ago.

“Hey everybody, you know the worst loot system in history we keep talking about? Next year they are going to be talking about how great it is!”


With so much hatred BFA gotten by people here on General Discussion, no one should be changing their minds about bfa’s stance

The changes blizzard made now in SL is because of the negative feedback of BFA, you can’t just be like "I was kidding blizzard!’


BFA is the worst WoW expansion that I’ve played by a wide margin and I’ve played them all.


And for the Horde ?

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I believe it was just a vocal minority that had problems with the loot in BFA. Blizzard shouldn’t have listened to them. Their suggestions went against good game design best practices.


If you thought it was good, no reason you can’t just stay there doing that content repeatedly.




Well your beliefs are wrong. Pretty much every system was hated by a huge portion of the playerbase.

From the initial mass exodus after we found out Azerite gear was trash all the way until we knew corruption gear was trash.

The only thing that made it marginally acceptable was when they added vendors because of all the outrage

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Personally, I found BfA was massively better than SL. I played BfA all the way through. SL? Unsubbed and not playing, waiting for the time to expire next month.


OP u r blatantly wrong. BFA had the most boring content every grafted into WOW, SL does not


I’m impressed, they are doing to BfA in Shadowlands what they did to WoD in BfA. It is amazing really.

The problem with BfA is you could completely gear up to BiS in the first 3 weeks of a patch via M+ spamming, and then the rest of it was basically irrelevant. Now that it is spread out to keep us occupied and actually make it last, people are mad that they are being slowed down.

The expansion is still very young. All of the LFR wings aren’t even out yet.