I miss BFA

Meh, I am not elite enough to think I need to get gear every run, but at the same time I am not whiner enough to think it will make a difference.

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Absolutely not. Torghass is necessary for legendaries; islands were not.

Legion bfa and shadowlands are all the exact same iteration of the game, this is what you all wanted when you told them legion was amazing

Still didn’t make it funner than Torgast.

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BFA had so many issues.

But I think I just preferred the setting and story so much (most of it anyway) that I kept playing anyway.


I don’t miss these things about BfA:

  • Azerite gear. What a messy mash up of a gearing system it was. I remember getting things I couldn’t even upgrade because I was below the level required to do that, and sometimes lower level gear had a better stat, so much for gear levels mattering. It was a fairly bad system.
  • Warfronts. First time I saw them mentioned I thought, cool, they are like a minigame where we get to defend a base or whatever. No, no they weren’t. They weren’t pvp. They were just tedious and boring and repetitive. They threw mounts at you en masse to tempt you to keep going back but - I’d almost rather they put them up for sale for a gold token. That at least I could have earned doing more fun things.
  • Grinding. Yes, MMOs have grinding, but BfA took it to an entirely new and insane level. Huge numbers of WQs, AP and Essence grinds, Rep grinds, etc and gawd help you if you wanted to level an alt, and you had to do it all over again.
  • Island Expeditions. Whatever they were supposed to be originally, they were about as much fun as flossing my teeth. The drop rates on anything good to start with were hysterically low and it was only after they introduced vendors to use the dubloons that they went from an agonizing grind to a merely tedious one.
  • N’zoth. Do I need to say more there?
  • Corrupted gear. Was it fun? Yes of course it was, but having gear that turned you into a sort of automated travelling cannon where much of your damage was done completely outside your control took away so much of what it is to play your class. It was a bad idea and should never happen to that extent in a true MMO.

Pretty graphics, nice zones and massive amounts of pets and mounts doesn’t take away the fact that BfA had a huge number of flaws.



BfA was bad and Shadowlands is just BfA with less rewards.

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I’m not at all a fan of BfA. I hated azerite armor, I hated farming for hoa, I hated doing so many wq, I hated the pvp gearing system, I hate seething shore, and I hated the story.

I actually forgot to mention wf and ie… These were major selling points of the expansion that were objective failures that never were fixed. BfA was a failed expansion as far as systems go.


I personally had way more fun with BfA than I’ve had with SL so far. SL feels super underwhelming so far and unrewarding. Content being unrewarding makes me feel super apathetic towards it. At least with BfA and forging it gave you a reason to keep doing the content cause an upgrade could come from anywhere.


lmao Shadowlands isn’t even remotely close to being as bad as BFA.

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I mean I feel like you don’t know what you’re talking about though, and I don’t mean this in a “rude” way.

I mean that you’re saying “You didn’t feel forced to do PvP or raid if you didn’t want to.” while this might be correct for PvP, even though you needed PvE/Raid items for PvP, you still needed to do raids 100% if you were to be timing keys as the Raid trinkets were 100% required for you to be doing optimum DPS/tank/healing.

You’re saying “Loot is scarce on purpose” for SL but you fail to call out how we have MORE choices weekly for specific upgrades we want due to the Great Vault, which is infinitely better than the weekly chest in BfA.

You’re saying “no warforged/titanforged gear” as if that was a GOOD thing. Everyone cries about “too much RNG! remove RNG!” and now that we have more choices… you’re still complaining? That makes little to no sense.

You’re saying “Dungeons feel similiar” but yet every single dungeon is at a completely different location with almost every mob being 100% different from any other dungeon in the game except for a few skeletons and whatnot and a dungeon being outside certainly doesn’t make it “good” so how is this a stepdown?


That’s because regardless of your ilvl any gear could literally be an upgrade…which is a horrible horrible system.

Nothing like getting a piece of loot that is 10 ilvls lower than what you have and it actually be an upgrade…if you remember, this was a common complaint about the BFA loot pinata.

IMO BFA was the worst expansion in the history of World of Warcraft. It absolutely had the worst:

  1. Story
  2. City layout (for horde at least)
  3. HoA was an awful shell of the greatness that was Legion artifacts.
  4. Corruption system was awful and went against all the gearing mentality they said they had.
  5. Loot system had all the marks of a gotcha game. Literally endlessly better gear. It’s not much improved by SL but just pointing this out as a big problem. There is no “endgame”, you are simply stuck for eternity, never getting a BiS item cause you’d need the luck of a god.
  6. The story was so atrociously bad.

I liked WoD a lot more than BFA and that was a bad expac. I’ve never felt as bad playing this game as I did in BFA.

Just want to add a dissenting voice. Please Blizzard, never make an xpac like that again.


Dazzaralor was a horribly-made city and Boralus was better than it in virtually every way.

Gear also didn’t feel satisfying unless RNGesus decided to make you triple lucky with a drop that had a socket, along with a good corruption as well as it titanforging.

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That still happens now though. I wear a trinket that is ten ilvls lower than a trinket I have in my bag cause it’s got a better proc and better stat allocation.

Your trinket is an exception to that rule. Primary stat is priority and your trinket adds more primary stat on proc than the base +61

But as a whole, most ilvl upgrades will always be an upgrade in SLs

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People really didn’t like horrific visions? I thought they were great and very challenging for quite awhile. I felt like I accomplished something when I got both 5 masks in time.

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I don’t remember the feedback of “Too much loot in raids!” or “Timegate cosmetics for 16 weeks” or “Timegate the story for 7 weeks!” or “WQ don’t take long enough make them take more time! and give almost no rewards!” or “We don’t like a PvP AND PvE Chest! Give us only 1 chest!”


If they weren’t as grindy I could see it be more enjoyable, but grinding the cape to 15 suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked.