I mained 2hand frost dk for 7 years

What does my class have to do with parsing? lol. The only broken spec in m+ for druid is resto and I don’t play resto except in bgs. You reaching again to try and counter what i’ve said is hilarious.

It must make you so mad that I don’t care to post on my dk huh?

And there’s the conceptual admission of being a troll. I knew I’d get it it out of you at some point. Now that I have, I’m going to move onto other forum threads and talk with people that have actually played Death Knights before. Come see me when you’re #1 in your realm with a DK, or anything really. Then we’ll talk about your credibility.


I don’t ever post on my DK. I’m also under no obligation to post on him to satisfy your deflated ego.

Bro, I’ve been playing death Knight since before you probably started playing WoW. I’m not going to do your research for you, there are multiple ways to find out who my dk is, but I’m not taking time out of my day to link him.

#1 on a dead connected realm with like 4,000 horde and 13,000 alliance. Dang bro congrats on being number one there! You wouldn’t even be top 1000 on Tich.

PS: My DK still has better parses than you.

Man the train jump the tracks and ran in to the forest.

No it doesn’t.

It does because I’m sitting here looking at them… Also congrats on being late to trolling a thread topic from 6 days ago.

/10 characters


Sigh Guess it’s time to report you for trolling, since you apparently have nothing to do but necro threads because you’re butthurt.



Omegalul. You can’t actually argue anything on merit so you just falsely flag people? You must be a gem irl.




::Meanwhile, Akatsuki won’t post his DK, because he’s been lying about it ad nauseum.::


I mean I gave you and the other clown the knowledge that you can easily search toons using multiple methods, but you’re apparently not capable of doing that.

No you didn’t. :sunglasses:


Literally word for word what I said. They are common use tools too. Your inability to grasp basic intellectual tasks like using a search bar is not my problem.

You didn’t give me that knowledge. I had it. I also know that I can’t search your Death Knight because I don’t know its name, and you won’t tell me, because you know you haven’t done even half of the stuff you’ve been boasting about.

Also: :triangular_flag_on_post:


me and so many people agree. it was great when my friend was a ret and i was frost. we had accidentally made mogs that were light/dark versions and did it every time sense. now we cant. its little things like that. things thats make no sense to take away or not put back that will take the drive out of wanting to play.


That’s juvenile, immature, and anger-driven. I know that it is a popular behavior on Tichondrius, but you should have learned self-control and basic respect at a very young age. Flagged.


Someone named Trumpknight lecturing someone about respect when you attacked someone’s ilvl and tried to be an elitist jack wagon. The irony.