Talk about getting triggered… wow. A lot of my points were about mechanics and that is the main reason why 2h was removed. And no, I do like dual wield. Its the reason why I started playing frost back in Wrath and I also liked the playstyle the most then out of the 3 specs even though I would solo dungeons with unholy due to the extra healing for the extra disease that you had.
And I havent played since December 8th on retail and was only checking out Classic for the month which was also very disappointing. I did do a lot of Alterac Valley a long long time ago. But the horde would always lose and would blacklist it, the same with Isle of Conquest and it wasnt worth the wait time just for those 2 battlegrounds.
You are assuming so much and not listening where I have said, in multiple threads, that frost playstyle has been horrible for at least BFA and Legion. That playstyle however isnt the fault of weapon choice but poor base design. Its very easy to see that if you just read some of the abilities.
You clearly havent been reading my posts. The only one that is getting all huffy and puffy is you. You clearly dont understand why 2h was removed in the first place if you are trying to make mechanical changes to bring back 2h. It was those mechanical differences that made it get the axe along with every other sub spec.
I also dont like the “1,2,3” type of playstyle and its why I think classic sucks and Blizzard has even recognized that they went too far with pruning. And no, I dont “just want one way” to do everything, its the only way to get 2h back however since 2 separate specs based on weapon slots is dead and the time where the 2 specs werent an issue really, and 2h people could play 2h even if at an overall damage loss, the playstyle was exactly the same. For both you could ignore blood plague if you wanted but again, at a dps loss for either weapon slot.
But its pretty easy to see if Frost Dk’s are being out dps’ed… raid logs. Looks like the Frost dk, in terms of DPS the Frost Dk is 5th overall in the Eternal Palace. So it does have damage, but lets see what build is being played and it looks like its still the BoS build which is about damage windows and keeping the window open for as long as possible. It might be different in PvP though.
I quit however for a multitude of reasons, class design, the fiasco that was Blizzcon of 2018 and their complete lack of dialog with the playerbase and not understanding what they want. This was happening back in WoD and when this entire 2h obliterate stuff actually started.
The question is… do you really know what you are talking about? If you want me to look over your stuff, which I dont really think that is much of anything to go off of, you have only done some mid mythic dungeons and normal Eternal Palace.
Also, you have done Alterac Valley the most as well and most of those Alterac Valley wins of mine were from a long time ago back in Wrath and that is what my friends wanted to play. I stopped pvping a few expansions ago. I mean my last pvp achievement that is showing up is from 2016 so I dont even know why you would take that into account.
The thing that I get from you however is that you dont want to give up any ground, you want what you want and if you dont get it then you just keep complaining. The spec needs fixing first and then 2h could be added in later with a few small tweaks so that people can actually play with the weapons they want. It really is that simple and adding on this difference in playstyle based on your weapon set just isnt going to happen unless you find a 100% foolproof way where a change to 2h doesnt impact DW and DW doesnt impact 2h. Though like I said they have tried it since cata when the changes were starting and it didnt work.
I dont know why you think that having the same playstyle is a bad thing. Like you think I would actually want to keep the playstyle now even though I have been picking at it since Legion when they changed Killing Machine. Again, have you read the tooltip for that ability? That alone should tell you all you need to know about Blizzard and what they are able to handle design wise. Its an ability that contradicts itself, build crit to get a chance at a guaranteed crit.
I really dont know why its so hard for people to understand. Keep it simple and you might just get what you want.