the most active threads on the DK forum are about 2h frost and we still aren’t going to get it
the most active threads on the DK forum are about 2h frost and we still aren’t going to get it
Mained a Blood DPS DK until it was removed and went frost and mained 2H… until they took it away as well… unholy DK isn’t fun to me and DW frost just doesn’t feel right fantasy wise. Please Blizz… just make it a 2H spec again
In a perfect world, all 3 specs would have more choice; all 3 specs could choose between two-handed or dual-wield.
Feels great to me!!
Vote with your wallet. Don’t preorder the expansion. If you have, cancel the preorder. Let them know that they’re biting the hands that feed them. Outside of the month that Classic was released, FFXIV’s subs have been rivaling and/or surpassing WoW’s. They can’t afford to lose players. Let them.
If they don’t value you, why should you value them?
So how it was back in wrath. As a blood dps and unholy or frost tank.