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Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you’re a funny one! Cause people who actually played it back then knows better… 2H Frost > DW Frost all day long!
Very classy with the “ha” spam.
I can tell you are very stable, intelligent and open minded individual.
Post wrath dw has petty much always surpassed 2H apart from a few brief moments in tiers.
This is not up for a debate.
If you don’t believe me I’m sure you could still find some Elitist Jerks guides. Mendenbarr’s website might still be up too?
I’m all for 2H Frost coming back but spreading false information is not good for the community.
Have a nice day.
unholy isn’t the “real” death knight spec. unholy is basically a necromancer in plate and your weapon is irrelevant to the function of your playstyle. you of all people should be more sympathetic. you talk like unholy would be ruined if they took away your 2hander, yet want us frost DK’s to just shut up and take what blizzard gives us since they took away ours?
that bit about character fantasy is where Frost Dk’s are comin from.
yes. just get rid of dual wield. it’s for rogues, hunters, and fury warriors.
This is exactly what I would prefer to see happen. I’m sorry but Duel Wield has absolutely positively no place whatsoever in Death Knight Lore… It was forced in during WotLK because some “genius” at Blizzard got it stuck in his head that this was something he wanted… then you have all the band wagon people who jumped right in along with him and here we are today, being forced to play a way that we don’t want to or reroll another class… (and for most of us, that’s not a solution) It sucks that they have done this to us!
You’re wrong. Unholy is the real DK spec.
Idk man, as far as im concerned, all “data” collected since people started using raidbots and SimC is as useless as the simulators are.
Neither simulator uses complete range of stats or information.
Kinda like how everybody is saying +5 ilvl is a upgrade regardless of secondary stats. It
Definitely isnt an upgrade if you end up dropping your haste below functional percentage.
Which is definitely an issue people have with just chasing higher ilvl.
Even on eu, they complain about it.
But for some reason yall seems to want to believe that whatever raidbots or SimC says is best even though there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary being built up.
So honestly, what the problem is with getting access to 2h weapons again.
I can guarantee i will never do anything but be a “townie” on my frost dk.
By that, i mean he gets my horde guild master position but doesn’t leave ogrimmar for anything and only is used to see whats up on my servers horde side.
But with a name like JonSnow,(but duchy and ascii key’d o’s and n’s all around) if he don’t get to at least appear to hold a massive 2h, it just pointless.
So yes, 2h option please.
Also, i said OPTION. So we can keep this argumentative discussion going and in like 8 more years but about which actually proves to be better based on something besides “well in wotlk” or anything before Right Now.
Data is collected via websites like Warcraft logs from real encounters.
Like many people have stated before Simc is a tool to simply be able to tell what is an upgrade via math for a patchwork encounters.
Some people don’t understand math, get angry and call it stupid. The spec rankings on simc mean nothing as it can’t predict fight mechanics. Ex. Uldir we simmed really low but we were gods in that raid because of fight design
+5 ilvl is not an upgrade regardless…
Not sure who is saying this (def not raid bots/simc).
The encounters of which all got walked into by people working under assumptions, like what constitutes BiS. And like 200,000 other things.
Technically, blizz started this.
But just read through my crit vs versatility post, theres a whole discussion about how none the secondary matters because stamina and Strength will give better damage and survivability than any of the secondary stats.
Doesn’t change the fact that everyone threw it in my face on my post. And literally every other comment on all the “what do i do” posts are all “sim it”
Also doesn’t change the fact that both SimC And raidbots
Do not use complete ranges or information.
Both of them have massive, glaring holes in their actual ability to do as claimed. Which makes them less than useless.
Actually, it predict as good as nostradomus.
In the capacity that he never predicted anything because he couldn’t time or date stamp and really he just threw out a bunch of theoretical non sense, which has been used over and over again to explain how that because he was from his period of time etc, everything he saw from the far future could still come about to happen because we cant know stuff he couldn’t explain because, just like on wkyk, you can’t bring a dang farmer from the year 1100 to times square in 2019 and expect him to not lose his dang mind trying to figure out what he is seeing in the new age.
Or better yet:
often deliberately mistranslated to make the prophecies fit whatever events the translator believed they were supposed to have predicted.
We all jon snow because
“we can never really know anything”
-Peter O’toole, Creator(1985)
And just when we thought we did, the rules change and suddenly, back to square one.
Only in Legion and BFA, objectively and factually speaking.
Wow…the level of misinformation in this thread is astounding.
Well that is straight up nostradomus level broad statement lol.
and yet thats exactly what you would be doing to anyone that currently enjoys DW and your perfectly fine with that
Real men only need 1 weapon.
DW doesn’t make sense for either.
I miss my 2h Frost. Oblits actually hit for something. Bad enough we got the short end of the stick in Legion by not getting Frostmourne. Now we have toothpicks and the dps to match it.
For me personally, I tend to agree and I would never use dw as a DK unless forced to. It’s hard to play this toon because I don’t like unholy and I can’t stand dw. I miss my LFR Starshatter and heroic Calamity’s Edge xmogs very badly as frost.
I just don’t like how existing options were removed and would like to at least have the option for all specs to xmog to both dw and 2h.
I’m all for options but all you pro- 2h frost people need to be careful.Y’all keep coming across real aggressive as if everyone else option of the topic aren’t as important as your wants and that’s not persuasive at all. Really yall keep low key trying to come for 2h unholy and I’ve even seen some comments about getting rid of DW frost which some people do Indeed like.
Your tone should be about lifting the restrictions on weapons options overall rather than to keep comparing to us Unholies etc. this 2h frost movement won’t have traction any other way and then you’ll be left with hoping that blizzard addresses it in their own time, which isn’t fast at all. WW monks still can’t use 2Hs themselves yet for example…
Thank you for saying this. Several of my favorite specs have been frost dk, fury warrior, and ww monk. All 3 lost weapon type options in Legion and unholy/blood lost dw in MoP. I’m unhappy about all of those weapon restrictions that have been added to any specs over the years and wish they were all reverted.
Since this is the DK forum, my posts here tend to focus on the loss of 2h frost, which was one of my 2 favorite specs in the game (fury warrior, esp. with 2h weapons, is the other favorite spec; 2h ww monk was pretty fun as well).
The compromise that I’m open to is allowing xmog between weapon types to any weapon type that each spec could previously use effectively (dw -> 2h frost, dw -> 2h enh shaman, dw -> 2h ww monk, 2h -> dw bm monk, etc.). Caster 1h/oh -> 2h and vice versa would be nice as well for caster specs so that my casters can always have the appearance of a staff.