I mean they are 2 handed. I don’t usually use staff mogs in general, but kind of unavoidable sometimes.
one thing about being DW only now is frost cant use shadowmourn anymore and that bugs me alot
also we are locked out of most of the legendaries like sulfuras that we used to be able to wield
Frost tanking :’(
I pretty much lost interest in DK after 2h frost was removed. This is very much so part of my “Stop the Blizzard Nanny State” feelings. Blizzard decided what is fun and what is not and removed 2h frost. That worked so well for Survival Hunters, didn’t it? Every time Blizzard decides what is fun and what is not and removes a feature they loose subs.
Throw in generic keywords like “balance”, “class fantasy”, and “working as intended”.
So you played a spec wrong for 7 years?
You didn’t once think to look up a guide?
Wait, are you are for it or against it?
also were you saying sometimes you use a staff as a weapon?
Frost needs to retain dual wield due to Legion. Answer is to add 2h or even just a talent that allows for 2h usage and a basic melee cleave or some other functionality competitive for that rank.
This isn’t rocket science. Blizz could fix this.
Was talking about a spriest. Cause they can wield a 1h with oh or a 2h…
o gotcha.
thought you were talking about Dk since thats the topic at hand, haha.
I get that, but i was using spriest as example of how there’s a class with a spec that can use both 1h and 2h.
Yea, now i know.
The topics about DKs though, thus my confusion.
Really I want them to remove weapon restrictions period, tbh.
That is the dream, isn’t it?
yup haha
You do realize there was a passive that allowed you to use either or for frost back in the day, right? Maybe you are just one of those bad players that picks ‘flavor of the month’ specs and looks up what the top M raiders are doing. That’s the only way I could see someone actually wielding the words ‘playing it wrong’ like this, in this way.
I very much enjoyed out dpsing people like you who both out geared me and used DW back in the day and them still calling me ‘bad’ and saying I was ‘doing it wrong’ while they are not even in the top 3 on the dps charts, not doing mechanics etc.
But please, by all means allow blizzard to hand hold you and tell you exactly how you should be playing your spec/class and do not divert in any way. I played arms warrior from 7.1 when everyone coincided it bad. Still got top of the charts in most fights and made sure I was always ‘the guy’ that did the extra mechanics to take care of regardless.
3 months later
sure dude
Hello~ Just got back after a 3 month break. ^.^
Nice necro…
I only read your first sentence. Not gonna waste my time reading the rest.
Yes I do remember the passive.
But DW still outperformed 2H in every way.
Have a nice day friend.
Thank you for proving my point. ^.^
You should read my third sentence friend.
Now that I know that I’ve wasted my time and read your toxic post I can see that you need help friend.
Get better soon.