I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

I can see them joining the horde. But that’s also my desire to have a playable Viking culture in game.

I want more customization for current dwarves. Not another dwarf reskin with crystal warts growing on it.

The Vrykul want little and less to do with their ‘inferiors’. As far as ‘viking culture’, that’s nothing a mog set couldn’t solve.

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We don’t need Ogres, vrykul, and certainly no more elves.

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Please point me in the direction of a leather viking mog. Please, bc I have yet to see any combinations that come even remotely close.

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You’re right, they should expand mog sets and armor sets beyond ‘leveling gear’, ‘tier gear’ and the like.

Alternatively, they should lean harder into making cosmetic sets you can collect and apply.

If they added a cosmetic viking warrior/shieldmaiden set to the store or trading post I’d buy it in an instant. Something along these lines.


They need to trash the concept of allied races. Throw it away. Get rid of it. Call it failed.

Stop exploiting it as an expac feature bullet point. Just give us racial sub-customizations and roll everything into that. Make earthen just another dwarf customization and get to work getting us customizations for other species like trolls, the still wanted high elves, etc. Make it all changeable in the barber shop (impose a cool-down of 30 days or whatever, I don’t care) and just set customization free. They’re already unlocking all armor types for all classes for transmog so just do this. But they can’t. They have to SELL you it, you, the player paying a subscription fee.


Here ya go lad; turn to diamonds. Harden your skin gaining extra mitigation, remove all debuffs and if possible reflect them back to their source.

Then make earthen playable for all six tanks eyyy

I mean obviously, some new animal race or elf would have been a more popular choice but who wants that?

Maybe they could have done something with arathi humans (light/void split or something, idk). I wonder if the troll banes or the arms warrior artifact will come up again

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my man i must introduce to the horde sometime lol they make way more sense then the blood elves whose forests got burnt down by the orcs in warcraft 2 lol

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ill be honest I thought that was a slide from BFA when dark iron dwarves were added


I kind of wonder if they’ll be unlocked as the story unfolds. After all they did say not every Nerubian was happy with their Queen siding with the Void and it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve sided with rebels.

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This thread is hilarious, people are complaining about Earthen because we already have 2 other Dwarf races, then asking for High Elves when we already have Belfs and Velfs.

I’m going to just close the forums for now, all of you bitter angry people are just sad.


Blood elves are only like 35% of the Horde.

The other 65% are not Blood elves but split between all the monster races.

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Well there’s your first mistake, Blizz rightfully doesn’t come here considering the forums is infested by terminally angry WoW players.

You don’t get to complain about Earthen Dwarves and then go make a request for High Elves in the same thread my brother after all the customization Void Elves have gotten.


Announcing Earthen is a complete kick in the teeth, the Wildhammer Clan 100% deserves the Allied Race treatment, not Earthen, those Hairstyles, Beards most definitely should have been to the Wildhammer.

We have literally been apart of the Alliance going all the way to WC2, also apart of the Council of Three Hammers and literally shoe horned as a Tattoo option. No I’m not a Bronzebeard in cosplay.

Earthen is a joke, the argument before was that they to similar so they won’t get any changes yet you literally slap our racial Stone form on any Dwarf, bam! that’s an Earthen.

Instead of getting unique highly requested races, Ogres, Vrykul, Tuskarr, Sethrak they choose this?, and having them on Horde as well further just blurs the line in faction identity, so let me guess Lightforged Orcs for Alliance next?.


But this is not enough. I can accept that unsuited racials but they need at least, like the High Elves for the Void Elves, a race title and better suited transmog. Why does the Earthen race gets more attention? Where is the evened out care for all the player races?

The Alliance needs to be better maintained at this point, they are really an awful faction with no care taken of.


I think it is an interesting decision but seems fairly in line with their design plans lately, we get several variations on each race, Light based, dark based, and neutral/variant for the base races.

Take humans for example, Stormwind humans are stereotypical light based good guy humans, forsaken are dark based, kul tirans are the neutralish variant.

Dwarves have bronzebeards and wildhammer as light, dark irons speak for themselves and now neutral earthen as options.

Elves kind of flip it a bit (chortle guffaw) with Night elves being the dark ones, blood elves being light and then the variant versions.

Consider the Mag’har orcs as light orcs, base orcs as neutral, and maybe they’ll get a demon variant eventually.

Its odd that draenei got this treatment before we saw anything done with worgen or goblins, but if you consider worgen as another form of dark humans, and goblins as neutralish gnomes rounding out the light based gnomes and the dark mechagnomes it fits.

Trolls we have the two, Neutral darkspear, light based Xandalar, and hopefully eventually some full on evil trolls at some point. Personally I think the love of the halfling’s leaf has dulled the menacing qualities of the darkspear.

This perspective would make it apparent that dwarves were actually one of the last remaining base fantasy races (Humans, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Trolls, Tauren, Gnomes) needing this treatment with the exception of Tauren who lets be honest, you can’t really make dark and menacing but already have the neutral and light variations in place.

A Few more variations and maybe we’ll finally get some races that are a further departure from the existing races.

What’s that? You say I didn’t mention pandaren? well that’s obviously because they are a nesting doll race which presents as neutral, acts light but are primarily evil /sagenod.


A Wildhammer heritage set would be incredible. My opinions about Allied Races vary, but Wildhammers deserve better treatment without a doubt.


What started as Orcs vs. Humans had become Dwarves Vs. Elves