I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

Every instance of Ogres I’ve seen that aren’t the two-headed variants are dumb as rocks, barely qualifying as sentient. To say they have ‘culture’ is generous to the extreme.

And you just listed the massive problem with Vrykul; they’re MORE HUMANS. Something the Alliance absolutely does not need more of.

Hopefully we get access to a Stoneform/Fireblood equivalent and I can faction swap back.

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I meant old Roman empire, since that is what the Gorian empire for Ogres is clearly 1 for 1 inspired from.

Their architecture is ancient Roman to contrast the orcs more earily germanic societies


Ah, okay, see that makes way more sense XD


Ehh it’s not a problem, they cover different cultures and Vykrul is basically like giving half giant to a race, who’s to even say Vykrul ride horses.

You just painting ogres as the dumbest race on Azeroth is just playing the game with your eyes closed.

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Alliance already has a crisis of variety; picking Team Blue means you’re either Human, Short Human, Even Shorter Nerdy Human, Human that turns Furry when angry, and Night Elf as base offerings. Even the literal space aliens on Alliance’s team are basically hoofed Humans. Then its AR offerings are Strongman Human, Burnt Short Human, Prosthetic-Hungry Shorter Nerdy Human, and Void Elves and LFD.

Tossing ‘Humans but Viking’ is a waste of a race slot when it could be solved by some transmog options and maybe some expanded customization.

And Ogres are routinely the butt of every joke out there, and rightfully so. Plus, Horde doesn’t need another giant race; we already have Tauren and HMT, two races that needed to be scaled down just to work as a playable group.


Vulpera hate is always so funny because they’re some of the most Horde-like horde races there are.

I can get behind this. What would we send over to Alliance? High Mountain?

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End of the day this is what the alliance wants to play they have some banger races like Worgen dark iron dwarves and draenei but alliance just want to play elves and humans


I like dwarves fine and all but it really should have been something else.


Realistically I don’t think ogres are gonna happen until WoW 2, where they can design doorways throughout the world to fit them instead of having to “settle” for tauren-sized pygmy ogres in current WoW.

Vrykul might be a possibility but those guys are pretty big too and might face similar issues. If they’re shrunken too much they risk being slightly larger humans which is about the least interesting allied race possible.

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You meant to write ‘The WoW playerbase’ just wants to play elves and humans. Horde has a massive Blood Elf problem that’s only now getting cut into thanks to the efforts of the Vulpera.

The only reason I can even stand playing Alliance is because Pandaren can be A or H, their other racial options are just unappealing to me to the extreme. If it weren’t for Horde leadership deciding to try and take over the world (something that has hopefully been permanently canned by the presence of the Council), I’d be sticking on Team Red. But really, the hunch on the Tauren needs to go; we need an option to fix that.

I don’t think I can wait that long.

I’m surprised I held on as long as I did until we got Void Elves as a substitute.

But if they give Void Elves more options or Blood and Void Elf druids. Then I can be appeased.

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What are you talking about? The crowd was screaming every other word out of Metzen’s mouth.

People really do just go on the internet and tell lies to invent and support their own vision of reality, substitute and reject ones that disagree with them.


idk why but the idea of their hair being asbestos or fuzzy mold reminds me of when i found donuts in the cupboard that had expired a week prior… yeah not too fond of hairy mold

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Ironic you speak of

Yet failed to see how quiet and awkward the reactions from the presentations were.


checks name
Oh it’s you.
Don’t waste my time.

I listened to it and heard screaming when they announced account wide features, warbands, and the like. The crowd was insanely hype. You’re actually just lying. I don’t know why you would when you can actually just watch the vod and there is direct evidence contradicting you.

Don’t make bad posts and you won’t have to deal with me calling them out.


Yes please! That’s the one race I truly want playable. My favorite part of my heritage is my Norse lineage and I would love to have Vrykul be able to represent me in game.


Who said they had to be an Alliance race?


The person I was responding do proposed them as an Alliance race. I see no reason they would join either Alliance or Horde.

No, Grimtotem.

The whole thing with “allied races” SHOULD have been a way for people in the other faction to play stuff from the opposing faction.

Grimtotem Tauren for Alliance
Defias Humans for Horde
Royalist Toady Undead for Alliance
Dark Iron Dwarves for Horde