I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

very funny coming from a dr*cthyr, a race that got leaked and everybody thought was fake because it was so awful

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I don’t know why blizzard goes:

yawwwnn ok another day at the office here lets see the number one requested thing for wow today. URG allied race suggestions again for the 1834 day in a row. Oh look Ogres AGAIN!..urg…so tired of this…know what though…they are right! We need a new allied race! BOYS! lets do it, lets answer those suggestions!"

Fast forward to Blizzcon: “Oh boy are you guys ready, the number one requested thing will finally be coming with “the war within” A new…Allied race…fans gasp and its…Fans gasp more ITS!..fans at edge of there seat Another dwarf LOL!!! GET PWNT!”

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By all means link a WoW thread on this forum asking for Earthen as a playable allied race. Im not sure that you can, because Ive never seen anyone ask for earthen, yet Ive seen dedicated threads for every other race you mentioned as being less desired by the playerbase.


Because they have two-heads

One-headed Ogres need not apply

I also think Ogres wouldn’t be played very much (because basically everyone plays for eye candy), but the two-heads does give them comic value.


I guess, but only if the two heads talk to each other. Even then, the novelty would wear off in about 5 minutes.

Nah brah

You could mog the helmets separately

fun for dayyys


They’re there in basically every customisation or “I guess the Alliance needs something” thread. Never popular enough to upset the bigguns, but they’re there. If we want some stuff, here’s one implying they’re a regular enough feature that they’re not wanted as a whole race but customisation

But the thing is, they’ve never been popular enough to get their own thread. They’re a mainstay of the threads but not popular enough not overthrow any of the regulars

(now, if only they were a bit easier to search and didn’t have a whole faction and a popular server with the same name…)

But I don’t mog more than set it and forget it.

Is it Earthen focused when the main focus of the expansion is helping the Arathi -lightforged faction fight off the void.

They can head canon lightforged humans but can’t head canon an island where ogres made an empire


I’ve seen ogres,Vykrul, high elves, forest trolls just so many other races.

Not a single mega thread asking for Earthen

If i had to pick any dwarf to play it would be

Dark Iron> Wildhammer>base dwarf>Earthen.

They’re like the worst version of dwarves

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They are finnnneeeee. I like the keltic knot pattern on the stone skin and the different type of gems you can have. Beards on ladies? Coo. Should be fun.

Funny how many elves are complaining when we have four other flavours of elves.

Why can’t we have X race instead? Bottom line is well this happens. People complain anyways. ‘Urg I don’t want to be a ugly orge what a waste of a slot’ ‘Another furry race with furbolgs no one is ever going to be happy with that!’. Same old song every time.

Dwarf lovers and those who have been asking for Earthen for a long time? Congratulations! Should be fun. I’m looking forward to making a fabulous bearded lady with you.


Earthen would’ve been cool two expansions ago if Dark Iron were a customization option instead of a race. Now though, they feel… incredibly disappointing. Made worse by the fact that they’re essentially just bigger dwarves.

I play both factions but prefer horde. What do I want with bigger dwarves? IF we’d gotten something else with them it’d be cool but Just Earthen on their own is a huge disappointment.

That said, I assume this is because in Midnight we’ll get … idk another allied race, maybe one closer to Horde. Though, that will probably be elf based I’m sure.

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People have been very vocal about not adding anymore elves for years.

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Blizzard will do the stupid thing of giving it to Horde despite High Elves working closely with Alliance since forever.

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Ogre and Vykrul.

How hard is this to understand… tall rock dwarves aren’t more cool than dark iron or wildhammer


I’m not interested in stony peeps, but I don’t mind rolling one based on Azerite, or Ancient Mana Gem.

That would be interesting.

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I still don’t understand the appeal of these races. Ogres are just larger, even dumber Orcs, and Vrykul are yet ANOTHER brand of Human, but this time slightly larger and more hostile! What? Kul Tirans? Don’t know what you mean.

Lets get some exotic stuff going, and tear down the faction race requirements while we’re at it!


If your argument is “No one asked for it” then including the “foxes” is a hard counter to your argument because plenty of people asked for Vulpera and it was one of the most requested ally races in BFA.


Ogres have a rich history with arcane and are more like the Warcraft versions of ancient Roman* culture where orcs are clearly inspired by old hunter-gather societies.

There’s a clear difference.

Viking culture not represented by Humans, Gilneans or Kultiran cultures


Id argue Centaur are more Mongol than Ogres by a pretty big margin. Their original designs especially had a stereotypical Mongol visual.