I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

Well when the Horde got Vulpera the Alliance should have got Sethrak.

I think the earthen are going to be pretty cool, maybe later in the expansion they can add stormforged dwarves.


I mean…

Because Vulpera were stupid popular, because Suramar was one of the most well received questing experiences/raids, and because ogres have generally just sort of been a joke who were considered for a race and then ignored

I mean you’re right on them missing obvious wins but, I don’t think ‘ogres’ is the obvious win they’re missing. They’re a niche choice like Earthen were but without the strength of reusing animations from another option


You have to admit, the foxes were actually very well received and just the loudest 5% make it seem bad. But most of the community loves us. We are even asking for a new bunny rabbit race. But the rest of what you said I couldn’t agree more.


Whenever blizzard decides to do it. I don’t care if they make a horde race neutral as long as it isn’t another flavor of elf.

Would probably be about as unpopular as Kul’tiran, which are ogres.

Literally blood/void elves with a bit of blue paint.

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So void elves basically?


ogres arent niche theyve been apart of the horde since at least warcraft 2…and yes i know that was a different horde if you wanna go that route they rejoined in warcraft 3.

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If I’d have been there I would have had to muzzle myself to stop a boo.

Allied races are a miserable idea, why they keep doing it I don’t know. The majority of allied races are the least played ones across the game. I think even Pandarens have more player characters.

I can’t imagine why anyone would want to play ogres, the forums love to bully Kul’tirans bc “hurdur fat humans” so why would ogres go over any better?

Awkward silence? NO!

I was just staring in complete awe of the race I love getting gorgeous fantastical mystical updates. DWARF MAINS UNITE!! (actually I played dragon this patch but back to dwarf next week I mean it!)


You’re right, it was. So why did we get Dollar General Nightborne over what we saw in Suramar?

It was an epic moment lol.

Play a Tauren for 15 years. You’ll see.


Alliance players had been demanding playable mechagnomes since Wrath.

Then they got them, and the sour grapes kicked in.

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More like we got kicked in the grapes with that insult of a race.


People wanted Mechagnomes ( the robots)

we got Diaper Gnomes with prosthetic limbs. (the not robots)


I mean the warband thing was the only really interesting part. And it’s basically just “make rep less terrible when you play more than one character” sort of feature (with likely a few other things). Now that they’ve made rep grinds even longer than they used to be, this is better. Renown is an incredibly long grind. The rest was just things we’ve already had – even delves we’ve arguably had in different forms at various times.

I was hoping for something big like a new class … like maybe a tinker/artificer style class. Nope, still a bunch of stuff I’m not super invested in. A lot more of the same stuff too like raids. Maybe the story will pick up some and be interesting – I do like Xal’atath a lot more than other villains.

Heritage Armor pretty much fixes that.

In any case, quibble over the implementation if you want. But don’t insult us with “why did we get mechangomes?” after demanding them for 10 years.

Honestly, yeah kind of. Dwaren allied race 2.0, and the worse part, it being neutral was the only thing about the presentation I actually really disliked. Neutral races are terrible.

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They’re big ugly dudes

Like. That’s the reason. Their whole aesthetic is being big, dumb and ugly. That’s why.