I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race


I still hate all gnomes and will not stand up for them at all.

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We’ll likely find out. I’m guessing they were far enough away from Yogg-Saron, but I don’t know for sure.

I won’t lie; I’m gutted that dwarves will be an allied race when Ogres, Mogu, Vrykul and Sethrak (to name a few) would’ve been a much more popular choice.


I’m gonna laugh if there’s not.

I can see them merging belf and velf customization, but adding a third elf that is visually indistinguishable from the other two feels unlikely. At least with the dwarven allied races, one’s made of fire and the other is made of rocks (and is supposedly larger).

And yeah people aren’t terribly excited about dwarves because dwarves aren’t a super popular race. I’d have been excited if whatever that humanoid nerubian was, was an allied race.


Midnight is a vehicle to finally give us Forest Trolls. The Amani never gonna die.


I really don’t care about more dwarves and I even like dwarves. This feels like they were just excited to have beards on ladies which makes no sense since no one is going to play them, beard or no.


Gnomes don’t even stand up far for themselves.

Who wants a playable race that’s a reskin of 2 existing races?

well deserved Blizz. Well deserved.

Poor Ogres


Everytime they try to do a hype moment for their new thing and the crowd is silent, remember those people paid 300+ dollars minimum to be there in person and hear that announcement, and their response was silence.




GOOD AGAIN (Needed to hit 10 character limit)

Agreed, in fact i will refuse to play them because of the facial hair on the women, and they made the female model more skinny… and it looks like golem now :stuck_out_tongue: Yes i know Tolkines female dwarves had beards as gags… i hated it then, and i don’t care.


I’d have preferred the Nerubians.


The Alliance. Constantly.


I’ve had this feeling that ogres were pretty much shut down the moment they were added into Exile’s Reach as ‘yeah this is the big bad villain one you’re fighting that is completely seperate to your factions’

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Make Ogres an Alliance race. Earthen for Horde to give Horde access to Stoneform.

(Then I can switch back!)

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Earthen are neutral and will be available to both factions just like Pandaren. I for one can’t wait. They look better than both their cousins.


This is probably the worst expansion hook. At least bfa had multiple allied races so if u didnt like one you got another.

A third dwarf race? One very few people asked for? On top of the backlash of drachtyrs visage form being too restrictive at least the dragon form was somewhat redeamable (3ven tho that got alot of backlash too for being skinny)

The new player friendly systems like warbands and the new transmog thing are really cool just sucks they havent gotten anything else right. Not enough for a purchase. Hopefully its only for a year and midnight has something troll themed to help.


And when will we get a horde race as neutral in return?


I’ve been on this forum since BFA and I don’t recall ever seeing Earthen being listed in any of the extensive posts people have made. I hope there are more down the road during the expansion, but after this I don’t have much hope it will be any I care about.
I like regular dwarves and fire dwarves so much more than stone dwarves…but I speak only for myself. I know some people will like them…just…not exciting to me. :frowning:



We’re never going to get Ogres.
I’m not trying to hate on Vulpera players but why is it that we got foxes before Ogres? Why is it that we got Dollar General Night Elves before Ogres? Wtf is going on at Blizzard that they can’t see an obvious win even if it was right in front of their damn faces?


another race another mount to get

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