I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

And they didn’t bother to give us a horde model in return xD


100% agreed and came here to say “are they serious that the only new race is a reskinned Dark Iron no one asked for?” Should have been customization options for existing dwarves, gimme a break.

Their market model needs work. People would buy an xpac just for new races even if they aren’t interested in the story. Now with an uninteresting story, zones, and no races anyone wants…

Yes, this smells like the end.


When they added wildhammer tattoos in shadowlands. That’s when we got wildhammer dwarves.


Blood elves aren’t corrupted anymore. The Sunwell literally cured them of fel addiction. Are gold eyes over blue eyes really that much of a deal breaker for you?


I noticed that. I waited to see the second allied race for horde and, nothing

So it left me wondering who gets them. Maybe both? But then that makes them neutral which Blizz said they wouldn’t do again after pandas

Just confusing

Earthen have always been a fairly popular requested race though? Like, yeah, they’re not ogre or vrykul level but they’re certainly more requested than like, Furbolgs and I’d honestly say even Tuskarr and Gnolls. They’re a longstanding request who’s always been ‘yeah that’d be nice to play’, even if they haven’t had massive support like Vrykul, Ogres or Sethrak

The weird thing is them being neutral


…I remember a lot of people saying they wanted foxes.

And different Dwarven types (though we got the ones people were asking for - Dark Iron).

…I will never defend Gnomes.

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Given the issues that Tauren already have with not being able to interact with objects, not being able to fit through doors, getting killed by random elevators, etc… I’m confident that people would make an ogre to check it out, then never play it again.


Looks like WoW’s version of “Don’t you guys have phones” is “Who doesn’t love dwarves”


The foxes were good, but yeah I agree with the other races.


Mechagnomes, as in the Northrend originating ones like Mimiron, were a pretty regular choice. Playing as full on robots with bright neon parts that glow and could be customised, was a popular choice

Mechagnomes, as in the cyborg gnomes we ended up getting, were not what folks asked for


Blizzard says 1 thing and does another, they said they would not give blood elves blue eyes, while it was datamined, and then backtracked the next day, I just hope we get goblins or forsaken for the Alliance as a proper exhange… and not high elves as much as i want a proper high elf, we don’t need the same model in the faction twice :frowning:

Yes, the Orcs drink fel and permanently turn green, Blood elves do it and get temporary green eyes… lore does not make sense, and honestly the thing that turns me off them is they are horde… and i don’t like Mud hutts :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I’ve been making Blood Elves and Void Elves.

It could have been Drakonid…



Maybe their hair is like asbestos. That stuff is pretty hair/fur-like.

Yeah a Vrykul race would be fantastic. Another race with a double jump to gliding.


I died laughing when they showed the body type 2 with beards


I want a proper dragon, not some devs furaffinity profile pic :stuck_out_tongue:


And why didn’t they succumb to the curse of flesh?